Apr 04, 2004 23:48
Well since there has been an lj fued between a bunch of kids on being edge and me being an asshole. Im gonna say it. I am an asshole. I really DONT care. So if you wanna call me an asshole go ahead, it makes me laugh.
Also, according to madden I brag about how hard it is going to a hardcore show and blah. The things I tell you are fun stuff I did or saw or what not at a show. FACT, I have not gotten into a fight at a show. FACT, I do not enjoy having fights at shows. Fighting is lame. I used to be one of the kids that was very into fighting because I was a loser.
I never preach about straight edge either. I say live and let live. If you have EVER heard me 'preaching' straight edge, it's because someone has wanted to hear my opinion. I try to keep friends of of such substances when a dependancy or their usage of it has gotten out of hand.
I didn't know that people were saying these things until today. I feel it is very IMATURE on all of our parts. On mine because of maddens mohawk, don't take it personal madden. I just am lame like that.
There was also some talk about I would get my friends to beat you guys up. No. If in the casr to fight, I would fight my own battle. Im putting this thing to rest, even though I am taking responsiblitie for starting it. So whatever you guys wanna say about me, edge, or the fact that I give walrus' rimjobs in an eskimo peep show, is fine by me. I don't care what you think of me. So fuck you.