Jun 16, 2002 04:16
I guess today was a good day I hung out with leslie elise and sam, an tonight at a stop light some ladys car rolled backwards into my van an she was like WTFF im like u hit me bitch but thankfully nobodys car was damaged My mind is confused and dull my eyes cry endless amounts of tears that I never thought I could shed. My heart bleeds in agony.. like someones stabbing it repeatedly and no matter what i do it wont stop, its like my mind is always racing around but my thoughts never process properly. My brain might as well be shut down when it comes to my heart, because my heart leads me not my brain as odd as that may sound, i really dont care what anyone thinks of me after they read this, I have been fucked over by too many guys in my short little life (almost 19 years) i have other shit to do right now than write my sons hungry and well i need to feed his little butt.. so goodbye for now