(no subject)

Dec 19, 2007 01:48

i'm going to be home in less than a week (late sunday night for anyone that cares) and i'm estatic. i have to be honest about the homesickness that's been plaguing me up my ass all semester; it's kinda ridic that i was homesick for (literally) three hours freshman year but i feel it everyday now. we're 80-95% sure (depending on the day) that we're moving back home after graduation, prob living with my mom. honestly, that's not my idea of fun (for as much as i love my fam, idk, i thought i'd never live at home again) but if it's a choice between going home (literally) and having to move somewhere else to have our own place, then whatevs. getting a big enough apt with the (lack of) money we'll have isn't gonna work; we might be able to swing a studio but idk, that's not enough room for both of us.

idk, i always thought i'd be the person to move to the otherside of the country; seriously, not six months ago i was all set to go to portland (oregon, not maine) but i can't do it anymore. spending all that time at home this summer really reminded me how much i need to be with my fam and friends; i'm not ready to give that all up yet. idk, we have a little more time to figure this all out, but not that much since we're both (especially me) are gonna have to apply for jobs and such soon. i'd really rather live on my own or share an apt with people, but if we have to move in with the fam, whatevs.

(btw, i am especially thankful for having such an amazing boyfriend who understands my redonk need for the long island and is willing to move here. bc honestly, what other reason do you have to move to the li? unless you like traffic and crazy expensive life, i cant think of any reason to come here haha)

anwyays, the semester is gloriously finished, which seriously thrills and terrfies me at the same time. the thought of graduating in not that many (academic) weeks is kinda crazy. the new job is okay....lots of free clothes and discounts galore, but i was basically lied to at my interview. i told them i needed 25-30 hrs a week (so, you know, i can pay my rent) but no one ever told me that it's company policy to keep all partimers at 20 hrs (and to not really promote from within/move part timers to full time) which i find kinda dick. it's a good working enviornment, so i think i'm going to try to find a second job after the new year so i can pay my bills and maybe (just maybe) actually save money.

and btw, jamie lynn spears (aka britney spears' 16 y.o. little sister) pregnant? wtf? i though my fam had no class, but seriously, my mom = 0/5 fucked up babies. mama spears=2/2.
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