it isnt the holidays until someone gets hurt.

Dec 08, 2007 19:00

last night, around 4am, my sister courtney was driving with one of her friends on the wantagh when they were hit by an (assumedly) drunk driver. court had (emphasis on had) a jeep wrangler, which is not known for its saftey. she flipped the car, so it's totaled. the fine citizen who hit my sister then sped off and for all he knew, she could have very well been dead. thankfully, a person saw the accident, pulled over, call 911 and stayed with my sister until the ambulance arrived. she has a concussion, broken ribs, burst aveoli, many nasty bumps and brusies and a dislocated ankle, so she is quite morphine-d up at NUMC. her friend has a concussion and bumps and brusies and is also a guest of the medical center. Court's probably going to be there for a few days, danielle should go home tomorrow.

so, if anyone knows anything about a driver (probably drunk) getting into an accident on the wantagh last night, please let the police know. i dont think anyone does, but it can't hurt to put it out there since we have no way of knowing who did this, except that it was a male and probably a teenager (but because of the concussions, neither one of them are too sure.) this asshole sped off into the night instead of being an adult and facing the consequence of driving like an asshole/being a human being and making sure everyone was okay. thankfully, court will be okay, she's banged up but it could have been so much worse. she was wearing her seat belt, which absolutely saved her life. she'll be home in a few days, where she'll prob be just as dramatic as usual (j/k court you know i love you, eh)
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