(no subject)

Oct 04, 2007 13:24

dear ub,

for the $700 a semester i pay in technology fees, your wireless should not suck so badly that i can't get to the databases i need to write this stupid fucking paper.

no love,

p.s. when will i ever learn that procrastination (and not reading the assignment correctly) only results in me staying in the library till all hours of the night and staying up until all hours of the morning (knowing that i'm not allowed to pull all-nighters anymore)

p.s.2-why must my professors assign a butt load of work in the same week? (thankfully i dropped two classes early in the semester, otherwise i would of had two tests to add to this massive paper and scenic project)

p.s.3-why must my women's studies professor be so incompetent? i was so looking forward to this class (on women in prison), but yet, i would have been better off buying the textbook and reading it myself, since her idea of teaching is making us read out of the textbook for three hours like we're in elementary school. she literally doesn't teach us anything else and didn't bother to tell us what was on the test on monday. i can not wait for the course reviews at the end of the semester (and to get my grade, so i can go bitch out the chair of the department for this shit)
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