(no subject)

Sep 11, 2007 09:35

We all know what today is. Personally, I hate today. However, I am shocked because it seems as if the rest of the country is failing to pause and notice. Go back and watch the video and remind yourself. I know everyone from our area probably doesn't need to; most of us are intimatley connected to today in ways we wish we weren't. For some reason, I'm torturing myself and watching MSNBC's actual coverage from 9/11 and all I'm doing is reliving everything from six years ago; I wouldn't wish the overwhelming fear for my parents and sister on my worse enemy.

I only hope that as time progresses the world can find a way to work together and prevent this, that this country can undo our great mistake in Iraq so that we, as a global community, never have to live through this again. I know it's a pipe dream, but it would be nice. I hope one day my nephew will be able to live in a world where terrorism isn't his primary worry, where maybe he can forget about it and leave that to the government (even though that didn't work too well last time.) I also pray (harder than I ever,ever have) that the health of all those who served at Ground Zero, from the Paramedic/EMT to the Iron Worker, will be good, that I won't have to bury my mom early due to all the crap she was inhaling for weeks upon months.

Tomorrow will a better day.
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