Quill_It Canon Auror Prompt Table

May 03, 2010 03:27

My claim on canon aurors was approved for quill_it . I've been in a genfic mood lately so I'm rather excited about this. I'll hopefully have my first fic up for that this week as well as a few for my prompt table at rarepair_shorts . I should be sleeping or editing my philosophy argument rehearsal right now, but I feel ill and can't focus or sleep. It's terrible.

001.Razor Sharp002.A Welcome Arrow003.A Darkness Deep in You004.Cinematic005.Fell to the Earth006.Long Afterward007.Still Unbroke008.Breaks Your Heart009.Just Want You to Understand010.Take My Hand011.Owe It All012.See Through My Disguise013.Shine the Headlights014.Started to Decay015.One Fluid Gesture016.Gonna Go Away017.Turning Back018.You Make Me Want019.Confusion Comforts Me020.Never Been Able to Have021.During the Day022.Not Insane023.Never Conquered024.Pass the Time025.A Beautiful Taste 

fanfiction, prompt table, quill_it, aurors

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