sending out the cavalry

Aug 05, 2007 12:42

You know, it’s times like these I wish I’d finally gotten around to making a Road Trip mix. Kaileen just rang, stuck somewhere in Milton - just outside of Toronto - Truckey Fuckey dead, squirting out transmission fluid (which they just spent almost a grand on fixing). She was coming down today with Isaac and Rascals so that we could baby-sit them while she and Travis went out to BC for a week. Now the parents are still out at church and I’m packing food, music, entertainment and a leash for Isaac (as she only has a string for him), waiting for them to return so I can fill the Father in. Hopefully I’ll have everything ready by the time they get home. I pity the Sister; she has to sit waiting in a Timmy Ho’s parking lot for almost five hours while she waits for us to go and get her.

sister, my animals

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