David Suzuki is my Valentine.

Feb 14, 2007 23:56

We drove through a blizzard last night to go see David Suzuki and I can tell you the near misses and almost getting stuck in the snow were well worth it. I encourage every single Canadian reading this to go see David Suzuki on his "If YOU Were Prime Minister" tour. And even if you aren't Canadian, go check out davidsuzuki.org.

Points of Interest:

David Suzuki has now become my favourite person in the world. Guh. That man has brains. And he’s fond of swearing to make a point, which I’m amused by.

He explained things about global warming in such detail and with so much articulacy that it is impossible to disagree with him. He gave reasons and explanations from everybody's side and made it a fact that if you’re still denying global warming or complaining that it’s too expensive to fix than you’re an idiot, plain and simple.

And he used as many hand gestures as possible to make his point understood (and I have the blurred photographs to prove it).

I love that the tour is carbon neutral. I'd heard of people doing this before, and I adore the idea. I plan on going carbon neutral in the future, especially on flights.

The parents and I have decided join the Nature Challenge. Everyone should, they're simple things really that can change the world.

I voted for the environment! I feel rather special, as this was the first time I was able to vote for something, even if it's not really legitimate. At least parliament will know that I give a shit!

The greatest thing about environmental rallies or talks is the amount of hippie men. There are far many more hippie men residing in Windsor than I ever knew! Where did they all come from? Nay, where have they been all hiding? I was trying not to swoon as we made our way to our seats.

Muzzer knows me far better than I ever imagined. I spotted a scrummy yummy hippie as we were leaving and Muzz knew immediately who I was drooling over. She was like, "I was wondering when you were going to notice him!" (Ha! Saw the hippie later that night on the footage from A Channel news and giggled.)

I seem to have my reading set out for me; Silent Spring, Good News for a Change: Hope for a Troubled Planet, the Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature, From Naked Ape to Superspecies: Humanity and the Global EcoCrisis, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West, A Short History of Progress, The End of Nature and Earth in the Balance. My brain is going to explode from all of that knowledge. I'll try to put it to good use.

I came out of the speech determined to make a difference. Kaileen asked me to go work on an organic farm with her and Travis over the summer and if it's still possible, I really want to. That way I'll also be a lot closer to Toronto.

I've also come up with an idea for a novel or a movie, I'm not entirely positive which. I want to make it life altering, write something that will make people feel the same way that I did when I left the auditorium.

Also, Kaileen! We got you fashionable anti-idling stickers for Angus (or the truck, whenever you get it).

In short, David Suzuki is the greatest man on Earth, last night was amazing and life altering, and global warming really needs to be reversed.

the environment, talks

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