Don’t mind me; I just have delusions of grandeur and a fantasy of loving Sam Roberts.

Aug 31, 2006 21:37

Pah. For some reason I always get depressed when I learn that the rocker I’m currently smitten with is married. It’s ridiculous really, as it doesn’t concern me in any shape or form, but it always puts me into a foul mood. For example, I learnt a few moments ago that Sam Roberts is married. Deadpanned for a moment before disclaiming, “’loody impossible!” rather loudly in a disbelieving, almost drunken-like manner. I slurred in scepticism. But it’s true; I looked through my photographs and there is indeed a ring on his finger.

To me it almost feels like I’ve been deceived; like that I somehow know him through his music and his lyrics but he didn’t feel the need to tell me something so vital. I’ve been lured to sleep by his voice and enchanted as he sung to me in concert and I feel so close to him; it's like I understand and empathize with him and I’ve been betrayed because I didn’t know something that’s so important to him. It really hurts.

Rock stars shouldn’t be able to marry; it’s just not in the job description. Or they should at least come with a warning.

But I have no right thinking like this. I must remember that musicians are people and are not here for me to fawn over. They have every right to their privacy and to their happiness. It’s not like anything changes because he’s married; he’s still the composer and I’m still the fan. I need to learn to stop becoming so attached to people just because they write moving poetry that I can empathize with.

That’s certainly enough ranting for tonight, I think. I’m really going to regret posting such obscene thoughts in the morning. In fact, I'm already starting to. Try not to think less of me for this.

sam roberts, ranting

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