this is as real as the rain

Aug 14, 2006 11:25

I leave Kaileen and Travis’ house for North Bay today. I am sad to go; living with them is so natural to me. I think I may move up to Lindsay in the future to volunteer at Heaven Can Wait Equine Rescue.

The past few days have been absolutely amazing.

On Friday we saved some guy’s life. We went down to the river at night to eat Pizza Pizza* when across the river we saw this guy getting beat up by several other men. They had him strip down to his boxers and forced him to throw his own clothing into the river. They kicked him in the balls a number of times and threw his bike into the water.

Travis was like, "Where's V when you need him?" as I forced them to rent V For Vendetta and now they're in love.

We left, drove to a convenience store across the street and phoned the police. Within minutes we spotted a cruiser pass by so we followed it into where we had first parked to eat our pizza. At first we thought the cop hadn’t seen anything and thought we made a prank call or whatever as he pulled into the parking lot for a minute and then drove off. We were angry, “Bloody pigs!” and decided to drive to the other side of the river to see what was going on. We got there and found the police and an ambulance so we were happy, “Yay for the popo!” We felt rather accomplished and proud of ourselves afterwards.

On Saturday we left for Ottawa. We stayed at my cousin’s house so we hung around with her and her two year old son for a bit until we decided to go to Art In The Park (or whatever is equivalent to it in Ottawa). We met up with Kay and Travis’ friend Stiffy and her brother and went to a bunch of thrift stores. We all went to dinner at the Table, which is an amazingly delicious vegetarian resteraunt, if but a little overpriced (it was cafeteria style and everything was priced by the weight of your plate. My plate was ten dollars(!), but I think well worth it, as everything was awesome. The vegan chocolate raspberry cake was especially good.

We went to the VV Boutique** afterwards in search of fairy-esq clothing as later that night we went to the Lumière Festival, which is the festival of lights where everyone dresses up like fairies and such. We didn’t find anything to wear there so we went back to Stiffy’s house to raid her closet. It took us forever to get dressed, and we all ended up in fabulous hippie clothing. We wanted Travis to wear a dress with us, but he wasn’t feeling good as he ate way too much at the Table for dinner.

We took so long getting ready that we only caught the last hour of the festival. It was gorgeous and we went through the labyrinth again and took a trillion pictures. I love Ottawa; why can't we have festivals like this in Windsor?

On Sunday we went to this vegetarian/organic grocery store and drooled and bought far too many things. Afterwards we went paddle boating and went to the Byward Market to have dinner at the Peace Garden, another vegetarian restaurant. I ate another ten dollar meal; this yummyyummy strawberry banana shake thing and a hot unturkey sandwhich with mushroom gravy. It was Davey’s pants as I haven’t had gravy in forever.

We drove back to Lindsay afterwards and just crashed. Ottawa is such an amazing city and I wish I never had to leave. I think that after school I may move up there to be a photographer or something. There’s so much culture and diversity in Ottawa. On every street I had to contain my squeals over gorgeous men or gay men or street musicians. And that’s not even mentioning the architecture; Ottawa is a photographer’s heaven.

I suppose I should stop typing now, as I’m yet to pack any of my stuff and the parent’s should be here soon.

* oh, you have to hear the story about this one. Expect a big ranty bitchy fest later. We were ready to start protesting Pizza Pizza and make a big hullabaloo about everything until Hippie Dave explained what happened to us (Dave used to work at the call station in Hamilton for Pizza Pizza so he is educated in such matters).

** also known as Value Village to normal people

brilliance!, sister, food, vacation

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