all she would ever say was, "Ain't life beautiful?"

Jul 29, 2006 00:16

thefridayfive (which I always seem to answer in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday. Oh well.)

1. Are you named after anyone? If so, explain.
Some great-grandmother “Lia” (JuLIA), and some great-grandfather person, “Rene” (pronounced Rainy), although mine is Renée and pronounced the female way. I believe the only reason my Father agreed on Julia is because it’s John Lennon’s mother’s name.

2. Do you have your children's names picked out already? If so, is there any significance?
No, as I don’t ever plan on having any children. I do have many pet names picked out for the future, some animals I hope to name Neville, Evey, Perpetua, Bernadette… I could go on but I’ll stop now.

3. If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name have been?
I would have been Nigel. If I was born a man I would have killed myself if I was named Nigel. However, as a woman, I am considering changing my name to Nigel. It just sounds so much better as a woman’s name.

4. If you could re-name yourself what name would you pick and why?
Nigel, perhaps. I’ve also always wanted to change my name to Juliet, as it’s not that different from Julia, but a bit less plain.

5. Are there any mispronunciations/typos that people do w/ your name constantly?
Many many many people when they meet me mistake my name for Julie, which I abhor even more than Julia. I think I shall start adding more a’s to my name when I say it. Juliaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Jesse and the Father in the distance.

Underneath the bridge.





Kaitlin and Kaileen.

Kay’s dreads.

Kay and Travis.

Jesse the troll under the bridge.

Travelling. "I shall bench you!"

A snail! There was a bunch of snails all along the path we went along and we had to step carefully so not to step on them.

“When you’re doing something illegal, don’t yell about it,” said Kaileen to the Father when we were eating wild raspberries. It was quite hilarious.

We found this sign on the beach. Were like, “Er?” Since when is there a church in Point Pelee?

Froggies at the marsh.

We ate lunch at the marsh, and Muzz was complaining that Jesse didn't fill his water bottle up half way, freeze it and then add more water. He's like, "I'll fill you up to the top and freeze you!" which has become our newest thing.

On the trolley.

On the path to the point.

Obligatory shore pictures.

And my tree at the point! I can’t go to Point Pelee without taking a picture of my darling tree.

Haha family portraits. We are all squinting terribly.

Muzzer wanted a picture of Hitler and Jesus. Was like “Kay!” whilst laughing when I noticed what she was doing. Kay tried to look all innocent, “It’s the peace sign!” Ha! Muzzer was so pissed.

On the way back to the trolley Travis commented that we were standing on Canada's penis. We died laughing.

On the way back on the trolley.

Bad, bad picture of self, but I adore the lighting, so I’m posting it.

A close up of Travis.

When we got back home Kay and Travis had to leave, so I decided to take a picture of Isaac before they left. It was most difficult, as Isaac runs away from the camera, but I somehow managed to get this brilliant picture. Isaac is so damn cute.

Oh, I still have a trillion things to do so I don't know why I'm on the computer. Bah.

my family, sister, point pelee, picspam, the friday five, photography, kaitlin

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