“All our scribbled love dreams are lost or thrown away here, amidst the shuffle of everyday life”

May 29, 2006 00:07

Reading HIM fanfiction (again! Davey I’m addicted) and biting my lip to contain the squeals that threaten to let loose. I think Kay and Travis would be rather alarmed if I started my usual fanfiction reading routine: squeal, laugh, yell, glomp screen, squeal some more…

I kind of miss reading in a room that has a door rather than a beaded curtain.

Erm…I’m laying on the ground with my head in my hand and my pulse sounds like a train. It is seriously making “chuga chuga” noises and it’s starting to scare me.

Kinda think I’m a bit tired. And I have to get up to go to school with Kay and Travis in the morning. Nafungba. *grumbles* Nighty-night.

him, scary, sister, fanfiction

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