all that I ever wanted - to understand my nightmares

May 11, 2006 21:29

01. Eicca is picky. I drop a Betta Bit into the tank, he swims up to it, sniffs it (can fish smell?) and ignores it. But if I drop a freeze-dried bloodworm, he pounces on it. I’m not entirely sure how good a diet consisting of only bloodworms is. I may have to get a different kind of betta food for him. Floyd also didn’t seem to like Betta Bits.

ETA: I searched in the internet for a good twenty minutes and found the suggestion to soak the bits in water for about ten minutes. Well, I did and I gave to Eicca and he chased after it as it sunk, and ate it in a second. Yay! And he did it a second time as well. Perhaps it releases a scent when it’s been soaked, or maybe he just likes the hunt of chasing after a sinking bit of food. Either way, I am ecstatic that Eicca is finally eating something nutritious.

02. I had a dream a couple days ago where I was watching a debate on television in Finland. There was a side who wanted to have these passes for everybody - much like the ones that the blacks in South Africa were forced to carry during apartheid - and a large group of people who opposed such a thing. The passes were called ETA or ETT or something.

Anyways, I recall seeing Ville Valo on screen (he was one of the many many people opposing the new law) in the crowd, and this large orchestra. The people for the passes win, and I start yelling at the television screen in despair. Everyone in the conference begins to talk - some people being to yell in anger and disbelief, the winners in glee. The orchestra starts up and they play a song, and at the end, a number of the cello players stand up and hold their cellos above their heads. All around the room you can see cellos above the heads of hundreds of people. And I remember glancing anxiously at each cello player, trying to find if anyone of them were members of Apocalyptica. But I couldn’t find anyone. I silently prayed to Davey that they were out of Finland and would not be subject to such discrimination as their country was being dragged into.

After watching the conference, I went outside and starting pacing in an empty parking lot, composing a very angry letter that I was going to send to the Windsor Star on the matter. I recall there being a bit about my Finnish music addiction at the beginning of the article, and some very harsh words. Why can't I write like that in waking life? It was beautiful it was so convincing.

And I had an Eicca dying dream where I was helpless to help him. Why am I always plagued with dreams of my fish dying? I thought I had finally gotten over them after Floyd died, but, alas, I'm not! In this dream, I woke up in the morning and discovered most of the water gone from his tank. There was a large crack in the tank, and there was water all over my desk (which I dreamt because in real life there was a small crack in my fishtank, which we superglued), so I starting running upstairs for a glass so I could scoop Eicca out, but the dream changes before I get the chance to save him. Depressing.

03. And I must wish a joyous happy birthday to Perttu, one of my many Finnish soulmates (we’re even the same sign!), who turns twenty-eight today. (I’d post a picspam but I am on my computer, whilst all my Perttu pictures are on the main computer, and the network is being a bitch. Tomorrow maybe.)

ETA 2: 04. So apparently if you have a sponsored account you can make your own mood theme. Me thinks I am going sponsored. Perhaps an Apocalyptica mood theme is in order.

ETA 3: And oh my Davey! My comment page is in my layout! *dies* But it's in some scary ugly colour. Oh well, another incentive to change my layout again.

ETA 4: I can get an Opal layout. Yes, you heard me right, the layout I have been longing after for centuries (months) I can finally get. I am in Davey's pants at the moment. A complete state of "livejournal, I love you!" glee.

lj, birthday, apocalyptica, finland, dreams, my animals

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