"Congratulations It's your birthday, you may set fire to Ricks bed." - in an email from Kaileen

May 08, 2006 17:39

“And how old are you?” Sarah
“As old as my tongue and slightly older than my teeth, to quote. Ask me another ridiculous question.” Jareth
(from a A Forfeit of Dreams)

Saturday was my birthday. And, although I didn't set fire to Rik's bed, I did have fun (as much fun as one can have without annoying Rik, of course).

I woke up and convinced the Muzzer to give me my presents, and she did. The parents bought me Hangin' Tough, a New Kids on the Block album (which is crazy, as I've never seen a NKOTB album before in my life) and a novelization of 'the Beatles in Help!' (as well as a bunch of other things they gave me long before my birthday).

Kaitlin came over in the morning. I hadn't seen Kaitlin in twenty-three days(!), as she has mono so we sat in the kitchen talking for hours, watching the Muzzer make me my damn yummy chocolate cheesecake Oreo cookie crumble pie.

Then the darling brother woke up (from us laughing, of course) and we convinced him to drive us to blockbuster. We rented 'Memoirs of a Geisha' and 'Brokeback Mountain' for the asinine price of $10(!). I am never renting from Blockbuster again. Ever. What a fucking rip off.

And then Jesse took us on a roadtrip to Pet Smart so I could get another betta fish. He is damn cute, really small, and coloured crimson with little blue specks all over his body. He's very lively; he enjoys pouncing on his food and attacking himself in the mirror. I knew I wanted to name him something Finnish because, as Kaitlin said; there are not nearly enough Finnish fish in the world.

I was teetering between the names Eicca and Perttu for the longest while, but then I dreamt of Eicca Toppinen yesterday morning. I was at a movie theatre, hiding from Death Eaters, the Young Ones playing on the screen, and Eicca and some girls sat in front of me. Eicca looked gorgeous (as usual). I started squealing when I found that it was him, and he turned to look at me and smiled. Then I looked at his feet (which were propped up on the seat in front of him) and saw the he was wearing these blue and brown stripped converse shoes with matching socks (or were his pants matching? I can’t recall). I had to restrain myself from hopping over the seat to rape him. I fangirled and gushed at him about his shoes and he starts smiling and laughing his gorgeous laugh. And I swoon, and I wake up.

So, I took my dream as a sign that my fish should be named Eicca, and not Perttu. Eicca (pronounced "ACHE-kah" for all you non-Apocalpytica fans) is (obviously) named after Eicca Toppinen of Apocalyptica, who is like a Finnish male Barbie doll he is so perfect looking (v. fitting for Eicca the fish, as so is he v. pretty also). In the ten years Apo has been together, Eicca has not aged. At all. And his hair is the same length. He should be a shampoo model. Anyways, I’m getting sidetracked. What was I talking about? Oh yes, Eicca the fish. Thinking about it, I probably should have named him Perttu, as he’s a bit on the insane side and extremely highstrung. Of course, Eicca has his own kind of crazy.

We got home and watched Memoirs of a Geisha which was absolutely beautifully filmed, and so true to the novel. It made me feel wistful and so small in comparison. What importance am I in the world, anyways? (of course, this is traditional birthday woes for me - I’m always depressed on my birthday) The soundtrack was gorgeous - the cello was made out to be Sayuri's instrument; her soundtrack, for lack of better words. The cello describes Sayuri’s feelings, while the violin portrays the Chairman’s. It is all very touching.

And Brokeback Mountain was - truthfully - not all that it was cracked up to be. I was expecting more of a plot, rather than “shag, snog, punch, shag, snog, fight, snog…” It was just slow, and this is coming from a person who adores slow paced movies. Of course, I’ve yet to finish the movie (I’m only at the Thanksgiving part), so I don’t really have that much of an opinion yet.

We ordered take-out from the Mini, which was so bloody delicious I thought I was going to die. How I survive without BBQ tofu daily is beyond me. Oh, I am making myself hungry.

This is the chocolate cheesecake oreo cookie crumble pie the Muzzer made for me. It is like dying when you eat it.

And presents! Hangin’ Tough, ‘the Beatles in Help!’ and candles from Kaitlin (as she’s yet to buy me my actual gift - I think I'll be getting something Apo). And the Frou Frou CD she burnt me is in my CD player, so not in the picture.


And a closer Eicca picture - I don’t know if you can see anything (have you ever tried taking a photograph of a fish? it’s harder than Callie pictures), but the cuteness should be somewhat evident.

the beatles, my family, apocalyptica, dreams, photography, my animals, kaitlin, the mini, birthday, fangirling, food, music, picspam, movies

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