I was just whining to the besties the other day that all these girls over on
davidcookai7have been hearing Cookie's single on the radio and I haven't. They pointed out that U93, which is the nearest popular musik station to me (the radio station in my little town only plays country.. so fails) hasn't played a winning single from any of the American Idols since Kelly's single. So I figured I would just enjoy my downloaded version and wait impatiently for the album this fall. WELL..... I was heading to the store for some packing tape today and the announcer on U93 sez "and here's your American Idol winner David Cook with 'Time of My Life'" and I proceeded to stop in the middle of the parking lot, crank my radio up ridiculously high and completely lose it. lol. Srsly. I was giggling and singing along and totally fangirl flailing. I was just sooo happy to hear him on the radio. That is serious props for him after just talking about how they don't play the winning singles. I was so geeked I had to text the besties so I could share it with someone.. and they proceeded to text me back that I was a hopeless effing fangirl or something to that extent. lol. I love that song and I love his voice, but there is nothing cooler than actually getting to hear him on the radio. Thank god I wasn't still driving. *flails*
Besides my Cookie-squeeing...
Went to clean my apt. yesterday. Lousy fuckers didn't clean it at all. *grrrr* I called them about it earlier this week and got a voicemail in response that "the unit was cleaned over a week ago, but sometimes people prefer to clean it more than their regular cleaning". WTF! >_< So I had to borrow a vaccuum from my other mother (no they did not even effing vacuum!) because my mom's vac is scary with like some kinda water deal in the bottom and like 16,000 attachments or something so I didn't wanna use it and when I stopped by she said she didn't have anything to do and came over to help. (Which was nice because my real mom barely cleans her house and certainly wasn't offering to help.) Thank god she did because it took us 4 freaking hours! Woulda taken me all damn day by myself. We had to literally scrub every damn thing. I still gotta get some green scratchy pad thingies for the side of the fridge and something to get the sticky oilyness off the cabinets over the stove because they are grossness. It's not a bad place. Don't misunderstant. It's a really cute little place with ceiling fans in every room, a big closet and lots of windows and light.. it just woulda been nice if I hadn't had to clean it myself.. fails.
So, anyhow... I will be moving this weekend. (YAY! \o/) I am very excited about being in my own place again.. Wow. It's been like 4 years since I have had an apt. to myself and could do whatever I wanted to in it. I'm looking very forward to it. Money's gonna get tight now that I have all these apt. type bills, but it's worth it to have my own space.
1. get NIPSCO turned on
2. call Keith - need wireless internet card
3. wtf is an "access point" for on the wall??
4. call Argent to set up payment plan
5. call landlord - apt needs cleaned fails!
6. pack stuff back up (hurray!)
7. move stuff