May 13, 2005 22:37
Umm...damn. So many things have changed. I wish Jeff and I still talked, but that's his thing. If he doesn't want to talk to me...whatever. I understand. I do. But, damn. Could've given me some warning. Won't bother him when he comes home though. Too much drama there. I do miss talking to Beth though. She was pretty fucking cool. Shit happens, right?
Brad will be here in one week and 2 days!! CANNOT WAIT! I'm totally freaking out. It's going to be so awesome when he gets here. Even better when he moves here! I can't wait to move away from here. Don't really want to move to Memphis. Really want to go to CA. Jared's supposed to go with me. Yeah, that'll happen. We know how good he is with following through with something. But, I couldn't love the kid more. He's really hating it. Okay...duh, right? He's fucking in jail. I just wish certain "friends" of his would call to get his address like they promised FOREVER ago so he could get some mail from them (like I said they would be sending FOREVER ago.) Oh btw...he says "Fuck Jeff" because Jeff gets to get out and go to shows and shit. He said fuck you to me too, but I don't really go anywhere. I do get fresh air though. I guess that's more than him. People take for granted so badly what they have until they just don't have it anymore. I miss hanging out with Jared. I even miss sitting there talking to him in jail. How sad is that? I think Renee and Amber and I are going back this Sunday. SO happy!!!
Going to Mississippi next weekend - Friday and Saturday. Gotta be back on Sunday because Bradley will be here!!!!! FUCKING YEAH! The next week is going to be hell waiting on him!! Ooh...I'm gonna make him go to karaoke night!! That's going to be so funny. He's too shy for that shit, though. I'm not! Can't wait!
Getting a new job at my job. Gonna be a dispatcher now. 3 times the money I'm making now and THAT will be awesome! life is so boring. I need to get out and do shit. All I do is work or so bad. I'm not used to this. I didn't slow down much for like a year...always going somewhere or seeing someone or something.'s just like...damn...there's nothing to do. I can walk now though. No boot, no cast...almost no limp. Really cool scar though! It looks like a zipper. Or a centipede. Maybe I'll get a zipper tattooed on it. Ha. That would rock. Okay...enough boring shit. Later.
JEFF--I have something for you. So call me if you want it. (no...not a sad plea for you to call me...I really do have something for you.)