im in study hall now. the footbal coach ia my teacher, and i was always afraid to ask to use the computer because i figured updating my journal wasnt a good enough reason, but i did and here i am. i have math, but i dont care.
im listening to THR0WD0WN. they empower me. i really want to go out and change the world, or something drastically dramaic like that.
im trying to get on to my website but it wont let me. depressing, i know. i want to change my journals title and subtitle, i need something new.
i have two new things. one is forgetting what im talking about halfway through a sentence and the other is ok. umm. hm. i think things in my head and all of a sudden im like "WH0A. did i just say that outloud?". i dont know. im a freak as matt says.
so my birthday that is coming up. right. ill be 15 this year. and its the big 1/6 of my life thing. one more year and i can get my permit, 3 more years and i can vote. and etc. i hate birthdays, it drags me away from the age of 6, which was a good age for most of it. ok, well, heres my wish list.
with pictures.
a tiara. oh yea.
amazing cd. which i dont currently own.
a new scarf
new headphones.
a camel
an ovation acoustic guitar
currently. i want throwdown too.
a tour bus
my own book of poetry.
new binders for my poems
yea..thatll happen.
but just the canopy
i hope this worked.
well, i only have a few mintues left.
my tiger lily. im so sorry this is like this. i love you.
my new favorite song is "you cant kill integrity" by throwdown.