Nov 27, 2007 20:49
I found this quote last night, and all day long I couldn't get it off my mind:
A Christian Missionary once scolded a Zen Master, saying "Do you not realize that if you do not receive Jesus as your Savior, you will be condemned to an eternity of suffering in Hell?" The Zen Master calmly replied, "Most gladly will I enter into numberless hells, for countless eternities, until I have helped all the suffering beings in those Hells to achieve their own liberation."
And so I have another quote..
In the middle of my days, rent by unsoothed sorrows and remorse, let me reimagine God, translated from the old man of my childhood into a great maternal love, to accommodate somehow the paradox: that every day such horrors transpire we should all take our lives, and yet the giving and receiving of love is so high a consolation we go on.