Jan 22, 2004 13:17
ok so it's been a few days since my last entry. sorry to all my fans...right. so i'm still in corvallis and loving it. it's so much more free. my best friends, i'm not around anyone i don't want to be. no chance of running to some one i don't want to. just great. though my girlfriend i'm pretty sure wants me back in portland...yet another reason i don't want to be there, she said she may be coming down for part of the weekend with some of her friends, which would present me with the chance to break it off. i can't do this anymore, especially since i've had a wicked crush on a girl named jenny, which is a delicate situation by itself. i'm sure nothing will come of it, but she is coming down tonight, i'm totally stoked.
last night was very very bittersweet. see i had this box full of every single picture every note, letter, movie stub everything that involved ali. (my ex that i was with for a long time) and the original plan was to just give the box back to her. i couldn't handle having the stuff around anymore, it just broke my heart. so i had some very dramatic idea in my head that some how giving all that shit back to her would make her feel the way she made me feel for so long. then when i was with my closest of friends i realized that i don't care. i don't want her to hurt. because i know someday she will. no one can live life as she does and not have it come back to her. ali if you are still bein' creepy and reading this journal. it will come back to you and i hope you remember me when it does.
anyways so instead of giving almost 2 years of memories back to her, we set them on fire. almost all of it. not quite all. i'm saving a few, maybe for tonight. it was a very bittersweet feeling. BUT THAT GODDAMN RING WONT BURN!!! i swear to god it's like the ring from lord of the rings i have to throw it in a fucking volcano.
"you're hair is everywhere, screaming infidelities, taking it's wear..."
tonight is gonna be good.