(no subject)

May 05, 2008 20:17

a year ago, i was working at baskin & robbins on larchmont, fighting with naomi, freaking out about jason coming home and wondering what we'd be. a month ago, its absolutely surreal. six months ago it was hannukah, i was working at ae, going to class, dealing with finals. a month ago, i was walking to work for a staff meeting still half drunk from the night before, stressing about the piles of work i had in front of me and how horrible my grades would be. today im video chatting with my boyfriend 3000 miles away and wishing more than anything i could be with him again, im making packing lists for china and talking with my mom about getting a new puppy. life changes so quickly its unbelievable. being home really makes me realize that - every time im home everything is so different.
i sent jason a message on facebook yesterday asking for my $250 back. it took quite some convincing from alex and naomi, but i really do deserve that money back, and i realize that things are so shitty between us anyways, it cant really hurt much.
the asshole woman from going.com didnt even bother to call me for our phone interview, and then sent me a totally bitchy email an hour & a half later after my advisor had called her that didnt even apologize, it just said that they didnt even have a fucking internship position open. are you kidding me? i spent hours on that fucking application. what a fucking bitch. unbelievable. the working world absolutely blows.
besides that, i havent been up to much. watched the entire second season thus far of brothers & sisters in the last like, 2 or 3 days. went mini golfing with jenni & her friend krystal. fought with my mother about what a failure my brother is being at life.
naomis was good. short, but good. laying on the beach doing nothing was exactly what i needed. got really ridiculously wasted on thursday & friday nights. sent a good amount of drunk texts. oops. haha. it was nice to not be home though, thats for sure. came home saturday afternoon for dad's party, which was nice.
i leave for china in a little over 48 hours. i cant even believe it. i guess it still hasnt really hit me. it probably will on wednesday when i have to pack and have no idea how im going to squish everything i need for almost a month into the stupid carry on my advisor wants us to take. hah. itll be interesting, thats for sure.
idk what else really. i miss chris more than words. it sucks. im hoping china flys by, cause then ill be a month closer to seeing him. i cant believe that day before i fly back will be 8 months. thats insane.
i really want mom to buy this puppy. i wish i was old enough to have my own apartment and a puppy and a real job. i just want to be settled, i want a fiance and a dog and an apartment thats all mine. i want a steady job at a magazine, i want all those things now. i dont want the chaos and drama that is college. dont get me wrong, college is great. i just. im over it?
im really in touch with some of my friends from school and really out of touch with others. i guess i should have figured. talked to alex online for a while today, and of course me and jen talk all the time, which i absolutely love. i really really do miss being at school, im just.. over the school part.
anyways, time to sit in front of the tivo for a while. gnight <3
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