Dec 07, 2005 12:15
i dont know why i named it its magic....probably because i am tired...and soon to be even more tired...o starts the ever so awesome panic! adventure....we shall see how much sleep i will be getting...actually...i wont be well rested until next week is over and today is only wednesday....3 shows in a day of studying for finals and then another day of panic and then the hell of finals takes place...yay....not really...but im so ready for it to be over and done with....i just hope i pass my philosophy class....i just got done with my last class....and i cant even begin to tell you how happy that makes me....SO SO SO happy its ridiculous....i know you are happy for me as well...haha....anywho...i love GOD....random u might say? no, not at all...GOD is in everything, so fits.