T Day

Nov 23, 2006 13:37


Too much traveling. Long Island was the toughest thing I've been through in a while. The trip was abrupt and coupled with my entire (minus me) being violently ill, Seeber's wedding(which was fun), and overall exhaustion and stress....6 hours in a cramped car is tough. Arriving at the hotel and then immeadiately changing while feeling constgipated and sick was horrible. Seeing her in the casket was the worst. I expected her to return to life and say hi everybody. I can still hear her voice. Fuck that was hard. Oh and yesterday was the 5 year mark of my uncle's death from cancer.

anyways all in all, it sucked.

Today's thanksgiving and I feel a bit better. Good enough to eat. I have to go with Nicole to her Uncle's in a bit. then over to mom and dads where Josh Mitch is scheduled to make an appearance. I'm excited and a bit nervous. Whatever, work fri, sat, sun. $$$$$$$$$$$$. And then my birthday in about 2 weeks. Sweet!

Possible tattoo action. We'll see!
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