a red letter day

Feb 26, 2005 17:04

I'm sitting here just kinda waiting for devon to get done on one of the other computers..so I guess I might as well write something..say something about this whole thing. umm...lets see. I guess I've never been able to come up with the words when it really matters. It seems that it only happens when I'm alone and kind of thinkin/talking with myself that anything every really comes out..but hey, not everything has to be so meaningful all the time right? that would just kind of burn one out you would think

well, anyway..right now we're just hanging out in partly sunny(or is it partly cloudy?) oceanside,ca. or otherwise known as oceanslime..its not all that bad, but then again by all accounts, it is. Devon graduates from LAV school sometime next week...or is it the week after? all I know is that next weekend will most likely be his last weekend in these parts..so I guess we're gonna make these few hours count..like we always do I suppose. with the last familiar face from an old life now gone from the scenery in this new one, i am ready to face the rest alone...well, mostly alone at least. I feel fortunate for having all of that even if only till this day came...its as if its been preparing me for what is to come.

from what i've been told by my superiors, the next few months are going to be hectic to say the least. rifle range this week, division schools the next 2 weeks, at sea period for 2 weeks, a combined arms exercise in the desert at 29 palms for 2 weeks, followed by who knows what for who knows how many weeks till I go home in June and July for a few days...and then I'm off on the big one.. aboard the USS Tarawa all over the known world and then to war, till March 10th, 2006 ..or at least thats when my service records tell me i'll be back.

so..i have a lot on my plate and on my mind. sometimes it seems a miracle to me that i havent burst or exploded or cracked yet, or turned to heavy drinking to make it go away for a while. dont get me wrong..sometimes I don't know what the hell to do or where to turn to make things make sense for a while..and i'd be lying if i said i didn't look at a bottle and just think about drowning myself in it..but thats always where it stops. I just take a few breaths..close my eyes, and use my brain, and then at least for a while..everything is ok..see? everything is still in one piece
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