eye but if i crashed into uranus

Apr 04, 2007 11:00

i'm reading this article about a proposed shopping complex in mid-city, and people's opposition to it
the Mid-City neighborhood group's commercial development coordinator says: "Retail jobs are not (well-paying) meaningful jobs."
i work retail and i find it a fine degree of rewarding
i'm tired of people acting like they know what's good for everyone
everyone tells me i need to go to college and i need to not work in a grocery store because that's not rewarding or it doesn't pay enough
then why do i feel so ok ?
why is my life perfectly fine ?
why do i enjoy my job ?
if working retail is not meaningful why do i help people improve their lives with diet changes or provide them information about how to get off prescription drugs using natural remedies ?
if i need to get a degree to work with other people who have degrees in order to be stimulated, why do i feel like i work with some of the most sincere, interesting, dynamic people i've ever met ?
i'm 22 and i've found something that makes me happy and makes me money working for a company i love and believe in strongly and why do people have to act like that's not enough ? like i'm not trying hard enough ? like i don't have a proper degree of ambition ?
i have my whole life to go to school and search for my place in the post college degree world, but i'm fine with sitting here for a while
so please let me
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