Sausages of Distinction

May 31, 2012 21:46

i havent cooked as much lately, just because i havent had as much free time. and we are superbusy this weekend, living the Sportin' Life: tomorrow, we are going to the Santa Clara International Grand Prix, the last major swimming event before the Olympic Trials, which is a chance for xp to stare at hot babes KC to ogle hunky guys us to watch some amazing athletes in action. then i have a race to cover Sat. up at Sears Point in Sonoma, and a Berkeley tourney on Sun. so whatever cooking that i was gonna do here needed to happen tonight.

but all we have in the fridge here are some sausages. nice sausages, mind you - they are chicken sausages with green chile and habañero. so theyre pretty good on their own, but we dont want ordinary dinner tonight. nope, theyve gotta be Sausages of Distinction, so the first thing that i oughta do ...

... is roll them in bacon! an applesmoked, uncured bacon thats thin and adheres nicely. this is rapidly turning into my creative take on dubious renowned late night Mission District stoner food. but now we need appropriate fixins ...

herb cheese!

home slaw. this is carrots, cabbage, a serrano, red onion, red bell pepper, 1C of red wine vinegar and 1T of sugar, mixt up and chilled for 2 hrs. or so

burners on the left: some Tabasco butter for KC (no dry bread!), some horseradish butter for me
on the right, i put the sausages on the double grill as the O&G are well on their way to being charred.

so i have here an excellent French loaf from a Vietnamese bakery in the area. put spread on the bread, bed of black onions, sausage, herb cheese, topped with home slaw. eat fiendishly.

yet again, i rule. its amazing how that happens.

live to eat, dont eat to live.


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