random holiday notes

Dec 27, 2010 17:23

- file under ludicrous luckbox play of the week: i go first vs. KC, draw CCQSTWY. whats the best play? well, duh, of course the best play is to exchange the 2 C's, draw ER out of the bag and then bingo! KC won the game. i got to play QWERTYS. we were both happy.
- KC and i went strolling today along the Newport Beach walkway, which runs the 6 mi. length of Balboa Peninsula, with the beach on one side and all of the stunningly pleasant (yet also surprisingly mellow and nonchalant) vacation homes on the other. its the 27th of december and the only question was whether or not i needed a sweater. anyone who buys into that White Christmas bullshit is insane. the only white christmas i want is the sight of whitecaps breaking towards the shore. i pretty much detest winter, so this version of winter holidays suits me quite nicely.
- lobster tacos. need i say more?


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