Did I mention that I'm on a short vacation now? :D

Nov 21, 2012 14:26

Yep, a short vacation and a break from Japanese THANK GOD. I'm attempting as much Engrish as I can but I guess I just slip back to Japaneezu anyway. Classes probably resume sometime next week? ...or is it week after the next. I forget but wutevs. :'D

Oh and I'd write a review about Fujimi Orchestra that we all watched (my second time watching and laughing at it). OH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PEOPLE WHO JOINED US WATCHING AND LAUGHING AT THE MOVIE TOGETHER. :D To sum up, this is what happened: too much genius baton for the duck lips that they couldn't STAAAAAAHP. Yes.

Oh, and I watched Basugay (AGAIN) with a friend. ...who lives right next to me in the same flat LOL. Yeah. I'm glad she happens to like gay buttsex subtext too so we sat there watching and laughing at the horrible naming sense in basugay but well, it's Japanese so. XD But we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves~ I'm loving AoKise, MidorimaTakao and TeppeiHyuga even more than ever. (And a growing soft spot for AoKuro, seriously.)

Throughout the whole basugay, we just had to keep reminding ourselves that THEY'RE ONLY FIRST YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL THEY CAN'T BE--

Oh okay never mind.

And I'm surprised, no one seems interested in the post I wrote up for butler cafes? Only a few were. I thought a few more people would be more interested, lol.

Anyway, this friend and I will finally watch Sakamichi no Apollon today too. :D We're on our holidays after all, so it'll be so awesome~ Enjoying ourselves. I'd have gone for karaoke yesterday too but those crazy people went on for 10 hours. And I don't have a bike either. SADNESS I really wanted karaoke but 10 hours... no. ._. PENNILESS NOW.

Gah, I'll go back to some gaming now. I hope everyone is doing fine and great~ \o/ ...Again, I'm a lot more on twitter than I am on here. Seriously, twitter is taking over my life and not LJ anymore. :'D

Don't worry, I remember the necessary update here with the Tiger and Bunny day, and some doujinshi shopping at Mandarake... ufufu.

fandom: kurobasugay, rl, japan: exchange 2012/2013, randomness in all randomity

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