[Photos] It'll be helluva loads to load them... Holy shit.

Nov 17, 2012 23:37

I will start this post off with a distracting image of Kise. Yes.

I might have just lost the attention of everyone... Hey, hey, are you even reading this?! :P

Well, I'm just attempting adding some photos and shit but uh yeah too much. I left out quite a bit of photos in this post. I guess those whom I add on Facebook are lucky... xD;;

Let's begin anyway. First up, featuring... (butler cafe pictures and stuffs in awhile just wait...)

Yes the ever-changing board. What, why is it ever-changing? It's because it...always changes, duh. Let me show you the transformation of the whiteboard...

My section on the board is the top right one, lol. A friend came in and drew us all pokemons. :D As you can see those are...masterpieces. And masterpieces won't be complete unless you further upgrade them...

FUCK DA BITCHEZ LUL I dunno she came back in one day, drew a Pikachu 'cause I erased Eevee. And then I added a cigarette and then....yep, things derailed from there. \o/

And then now a few weeks later...

YEAH. I have a Gin-chan on my corner. My unitmate (who happens to be quite a fujoshi too) drew it for me. :D

Yeah, we gradually started adding even more stuffs in so the board looks even more perfect than before... :'D (Or so I believe.)

And then, it's Halloween. What's more perfect for Halloween, than this...

HAHAHAHA ONLY THE GINTAMA FANS WILL UNDERSTAND THE RED CHARACTERS ALL OVER IT. Well, it just reads "ANPAN" and we know who does all the ANPAN! Yeah, that's about it all from that distracting board. All I know is that most of my friends come into my unit, the first thing they look at is the board to see if it's changed again. xD;; We use the board quite a bit for reasons, heh heh.

I guess the best thing is I happen to be randomly placed into a unit where there's also a fellow fujoshi. :D She just reads and buys them so I'm just like, really happy that I'm not going to be in Japan knowing none of them! I'd hate going to conventions alone too. More importantly, I MET A FELLOW GINTAMA FAN. He's a guy, but I love the humor in Gintama alone to appreciate it without slashing any guys in there. The slashing is a plus, but I love Gintama the way it is. <3

And next up, we have some BUTLER STUFFS so I just bet everyone skipped over the previous one and ignored it because this is the most important part. :P

Yeap, the long awaited butler cafe part.

This is the only butler cafe in Akihabara, and also the first. The opening of this butler cafe actually made it to aramatheydidnt when I actually found out about it after I went. I read the post and saw the picture and uh, eew, one of the guys totally looked like shit when they did say "creme of the crop" I was like what this is not.

Which I can say that if you *did* see the post there, and for some reason felt discouraged to go, then no it's different now. They upped their standards. Though for me, they still are not anywhere near ikemen, but let me just say that their professionalism in terms of all the perfect Japanese keigo (polite language), posture, and overall performance compensated for the lack of ikemen-ness. :P

Well, I didn't know what to expect at all, but we went with a group of 7 people, without reservations, and haha they had to prepare and said to wait about 30 - 40 minutes, which we really did holyshit. Nah it's because we needed to do it for research purposes. :'D

I can say that for a butler cafe, this is a much more personalized feeling. For the maid cafe, we were brought in and all, but probably because the shop was bigger and had more people so we weren't given utmost attention to and were once or twice ignored actually. But that's understandable, they had a lot of customers, and they needed to sometimes take photos with people (that's when you pay them for a tiny photo), some maids play games with the customers (you'll have to pay again) and all of that.

It's different at the butler cafe though. At least, for this particular one since different ones do different things...? But you get undivided attention at this one, and they make sure to attend to every single one of your needs.

When our seats were ready, we approached the actual cafe (the 7th floor is the reception, and the 6th floor is the actual cafe. Infamous Japanese buildings are infamous for their size!) since we were told to knock on the door, and we will be received. OMG praise my improvement in at least listening to keigo...

And a butler opens the door to actually receive us, telling us, "Okaerinasaimase, ojousama." (Welcome home, My Lady.) So...yes. There were 3 of them who personally came to greet us and also did self-introductions about their names and whether they're a footman or etc. (Refer to the website, but yeah, I don't really understand it myself so well either...)

But before we get led to our seats, they help carry our bags etc, and pull out our chairs for us to sit down. At this point Splodey and a few friends somewhat complain that "hey we can do this ourselves we have hands..." but then remembered it's part of the service we're paying for so... And we were also explained the menu and what is available etc.

We though that this would be any other same experience as the maid cafe but in the end we were wrong. Since it was so personalized, we took our time and ordered, and in case we had any questions we could ask them and even make small talk with them if your Japanese is up to it.

Though, just saying, there's this guy who somewhat makes 1/4 of an ikemen can speak English as well apparently. And he seems to be there every...Tuesday as far as I know. I went 1 week later and uh, shit, he remembered me. :| But anyway, he did ask if we preferred the service to be in...English, since we did have 3 foreigners with us (including me) but my friend mentioned that saying "My Lady" is just compleeeetely weird. We didn't make a decision in the end, and he said to mix both. Though, he didn't in the end, haha.

Yeah, whilst we were sitting there, they were serving us food, for some reason every time they came over to set something down on the table we just quietened down and one of them was like, "Oh, please do not mind us and continue with your conversation. We do not wish to be a bother." I was like adfiowjfoiwjflqLSKDFJWIDJKFOASEJFAAAA. Okay, I can't say I didn't go dokidoki for that moment, I definitely did. Something about their professionalism just strikes a chord within me. xD;;

And then I think everyone ordered a hot tea, while I got a cold one, so mine is not interesting but, those who got the hot drink got to somewhat choose a cup. They'll ask what sort of cup you want. They will attempt to get a cup that fits your mood and you. You can describe the color, or your mood, or just a particular feeling or something and they'll bring it to you. When they do, they'll also explain to you what type of cup it is, and how it suits you. Yes, they do. Below are just a few examples.

Just saying that one pot of tea, COSTS ¥1000 I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING YOU. It's extremely expensive tea. For some reason. They have ceylon, they have Chinese tea, Japanese tea etc etc. Quite a wide range, tbh. And yes, as you'll have realized they're very um...English styled. Really, Kuroshitsuji must have shown you quite a few designs. :D

Of course, let's not forget extravagant-looking desserts! These also cost at least ¥1000. And you *have* to order a drink and a dessert/main dish, so you will need to spend at least ¥2000. That's the downside, but then you also get excellent service etc.

The one directly above is something I ordered, and the name is "Fairy Heart" so...lol idk. 3 types of little cakes, and they all tasted good. There's one green-ish one and I thought it was green tea flavored at first, which scared me tbh. I don't like green tea flavored things, but then after I tried it, I was like, "....hey it's good." And that's the cold drink.

That's the layout of the table, pretty much. As you can see it's extremely western-styled, nothing about it felt remotely Japanese. It was also near Halloween's so they had a little thing there that contained sweets! As you have realized, there's also a bell there. We ring that to get them to come here and be our slaves and answer our orders/queries etc.

Last but not least, we need a picture of derp!

That's...haha just our groupmate who is so adorable! One butler came to our table and started a small talk with us while serving us tea, haha. He was like, "Where is everyone (every "princess" since he used the word "hime-sama" dear god) from?" And she was like, "...Well, where do you think I'm from?" And he said, "I thought you're from Japan at first..." She answered yes and he just smiled and answered, "Ah, as I thought."

Haha, interesting. He asked the rest of us and seemed really interested. Also, if you look at the picture, you can see these weird cloth things on the table. Those cover the pots. And you know why. So this butler comes up to us (the one who speaks English...) and says, "If you wish to have more tea, please call for us. We would not want you to touch the pots as it is hot! If you hurt yourselves, it would be our fault!" in the very polite Japanese.

YOU KNOW MY HEART JUST DIED RIGHT THERE!? < which is what prompted me to go the 2nd time...

And so I went and this time I went with one I met on twitter, who is a Japanese too. And she brought her friend along. Omg the two of them are so adorable and amazing! <3 These two fujoshi... :D I'm so happy to have met them!

And we were allowed to sit in the waiting area the same floor of the reception which uh, we didn't manage to even really see the first time. I wasn't supposed to take photos but OH WELL I SNAPPED THEM ANYWAY

And since I might seriously go back again and for a souvenir, I thought...why not?

And maaaaade a member card. :'D Yes, I know, I purposefully propped Gin-chan up. >D He's so cute~ Yes that's my Japanese phone. And YES YOU ARE SEEING WHAT YOU ARE SEEING.

I BOUGHT BARNABY EARPHONES! I wanted the ojisan earphones but they were out that day so... /weeps In any case, Bunny earphones are good enough. Speaking of Tiger and Bunny, I need to upload the rest of the trip of the Tiger and Bunny cafe, which uh isn't entirely a cafe.... Hard to explain, I'll do it the next time.

I'll just finish off the post with this... Yep.

Have a great time all~

BUT! BL LIVESTREAM! DID YOU FORGET ABOUT THAT?! JOIN US HERE NOW!!! It's finished now. Thank you all for joining in and enjoying yourselves! <3333 Hope you enjoyed the awkward batons, staaaaahp and DUCK LIPS in Fujimi Orchestra. ;D

!about me, japan: exchange 2012/2013, food!pr0n, so sexy i can't even, uni, fandom: kurobasugay, rl, fandom: gintama, !worth remembering, fandom: tiger and bunny

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