I'm just curious if people would still like to read my summaries. As it is, most of you know that a team has decided to pick it up and they're doing it from Chinese scanlations. (If you've got raws and want to share, why not approach them? :D)
But since I regularly summarize, I also do it from Chinese scanlations and not from raws. Since it's the same thing, would you rather read the scanlations when they're out, or would you still like to read my long-ass essays which aren't actually summaries, and attend the livechat on IRC? If you'd like to just lemme know via commenting here or PMing me etc. If there's enough response where people still want to read, okay, I'll continue it.
Randomly > oh and my LJ paid account is expiring soon. (」゜ロ゜)」 Ah, yes, and
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