LJ notifications are fail again! So, what do I do? I look angery.

Aug 06, 2011 00:00

Yeaaaaaaaaaaah LJ, look at Hobohodo's Look of Doom and learn! I dunno if this is happening to the rest of you, but apparently I'm not getting my notifs on time. And I'm using gmail, too. I get them only like a few hours later. It's also the same for managing communities. >>;; When someone tries to enter 07ghost, I usually get a notification to my LJ inbox itself, but wtf I don't even have it now. But it's listed under pending though I never got it. What. And someone else clicked to join, it shows up on my LJ inbox, but not under the list of pending users. Whaaaaaat LJ FIX DIS.

Other than that, I've been feeling better. Though, these few days the stock market crashing badly is horrible. :| I hope it gets itself back on feet after awhile! Though, maybe it's time to buy stocks right now since it's at its all-time looooow.

Ahhh, so how are all of you doing? :D

rl, lj, fandom: phoenix wright

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