Jul 01, 2006 03:49
I'm leaving for oakland, california on sunday. the same day that my dad up and decided that he's getting married. so, ceremony, then driving me to new orleans for my flight. i'm excited. i cant stress how much i need this vacation, this change of atmosphere. I'm not going to this time, but i could see myself running of to cali. its so beautiful there. i dont really know what to think of myself anymore. on the 5th, i'm calling back the manager and one lakeshore place on stanford ave. to see if there are any apartments available or when i could get one. i'm ready to live on my own, be by myself for a while. i just might get a 2 bedroom if its not too much, just in case, but i dont relish the idea of a roommate too soon. nothing against anybody, but i just need the time alone. i find myself fighting all those insecurities and that self destructive state of mind. i'll get calls from krys and gavin and kelly mak and i think 'yay, i've really got friends who love me!' I just have to remember that.