2013 NYE Meme

Jan 03, 2014 19:04

I am currently flying to Houston from Cabo San Lucas, where I spent Christmas with my Mom and sister. We were supposed to leave yesterday but our plane had a leak, so they cancelled the flight and repaired it overnight. On the plus side, I got upgraded to first class, so I'm writing this from a swanky seat. I'm feeling good as I write this.

My tradition now is to write this before I head out for this final shindig of the year.

If you're interested in the past:


I forgot 2004.


2006: (this one is locked friends only because it was a very honest one)







What did you do in 2013 that you'd never done before?
Met Russ' parents
Marched in my first political march (against SB-1, the special session abortion shenanigans bill)
Took a Bollywood dance class
Rode a bike in Austin to prep for Burning Man,
Had a video meeting on the internet with more than one person with Facetime/Google meeting (sister wedding planning)
Emceed an event (Flipside town hall) that I wasn't in charge of
Saw the Grand Canyon
Used a golf club somewhere besides putt putt and went to a driving range. Was surprisingly fun!
Stayed at an all inclusive resort
Went whale watching

Bands/Shows I hadn’t seen before:
Postal Service
Janelle Monae

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't always make resolutions, but last year I did set actual goals. What were they and how did I do?
*I will be debt free. - Well, no. Not even a little bit. But I have begun implementing my plan that i hope will have me out of debt (not counting the house) by the wedding. I plan to enter the marriage contract with no debt.
*I will be at my goal weight.-No again. But I'm feeling good and have plans for more physical activity in the new year. (I asked for a bicycle for my birthday.)
*I will have written something real. -Nope. Wound up not being a focus at all.
*I will have completed my Human Resources Professional Recertification which requires that I complete 60 hours of work in the last 3 years. -Well, I almost epic failed this one. I misjudged the date that my renewal was due by, and so thought I had blown it. But the woman at the center talked me though accounting for time that I hadn't, and in the end it can be counted as Accomplished! But that was by the hair on my chinny chin chin.
*i will have the guest room and garage untucked. -1/2. With Russ and Christian moving Into the house, some changes had to be made. So the garage is mostly untucked as we reorganized and now have a storage room. I made very little progress on the guest room, with a big start at the beginning of last year but then it stalled. Sigh.
* I will have produced a Night Market event. Again nope.

So all in all, cannot mark Completed on most of my goals, which I don't really like saying. I had a lot of awesome times but focus was not existent.

I did accomplish:
Helped consult on another successful GCI
Produced a burger cook off
Learned passable basic Spanish
Spent energy trying to help create a performance/events space that was to be an Epic Unicorn. It didn't make it as a project but I'm proud to have been part of the process.
Collaborated on a successful original Flipside theme camp
Kept my house mostly clean

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes! More babies!
Steph & Beau-ilonka, Mother & Pheadra-Aeden, Mary Edwards and David-Nathan, Heather Joy and Joshua-Pheobe Ray, Kathasaurus and Bustin -Ellsworth Lee, Noosha and Burt-Soraya

3b. Did anyone close to you get married?/what weddings did you attend?
Friends who married I didn't attend- Normal and R-Pod, Erin and Elvis, Marva and David, Levendis. Events I did attend: Alexis and Aaron home celebration

4. Did anyone close to you die?
3/13/13 - Eric Schmidt aka Dad Slinky writes(and I couldn't say it better) :I first met Eric as my friend Sara's Dad…..he and Shannon's Dad set up "Dad's Camp" at flip side they spent the weekend drinking beers, cooking bbq for us kids, and sitting in front of their camp "watching all the pretty girls" over the years he's become more than just my friend's Dad.we've shared many laughs, beers, political conversations, and he always had a way of making me smile. ;; I was honored to be able to attend his memorial and found out that he had an even more amazing life than I even knew.

Matthew Butler aka Butterfly. Had one great event with him as our neighbor. "I was hiding behind the tree because I love you!" Completely unexpected.

Reverend Zed, an online friend who was loved by many.

*Had as close of a call as you can get with my friend Micah, who I am happy to say is alive and well. I include him here because there was mourning before he pulled through.

5. What countries did you visit/travel did you do?
California for Twigsville, San Antonio and Houston a few times for family, MegaUltraRoad Trio 2013 which was Texas->Las Vegas->Burning Man->Reno->Yosemite->Grand Canyon), New Orleans, and ended with Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

6. What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013?
We might be looking at buying a bigger house in 14 as house space is limited. I would also like to do some swimming.

My life is not lacking much at all.

7. What would you like to have less of in 2014 that you had in 2013?
Debt. And assuming the sky doesn't fall down I will.

8. What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Austin Grilled Cheese Invitational
Night Russ took me, Sylkia, and my mom to a wonderful dinner- just a comfortable evening with my most important people
Girl Slumber Party at Casa Rio De Colores
Dallas Road Trip (Cindy Sherman exhibit and King Spa)
Back That Ass Up Party,
March against SB-1
UltraMegaRoad Trip 2013 (Burning Man, Yosemite, Grand Canyon)
Barleyswine Birthday Dinner
Mexico Christmas Vacation

Memorable but not awesome-
Night SB-1 passed
Afternoon trying to reach the St Patricks Day parade in Boston
Day I realized that I fucked up my PHR
Introdus to Burning Man (always make sure you can reach the food)

9. What were your biggest achievements of the year?
Passing my PHR
Confirming through a two week road trip with Russ that this is solid
Not being in charge of GCI
Camp No Thank You
Learning passable basic Spanish
Turning Down a volunteer position at Flipside 2014 in order to work on wedding

10. What was your biggest failure?
Messing up the date on my PHR

11. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I got the mini plague last year at Twigsville. Again. I also had cold/flu a few times through year.

12. What was the best thing you bought?
Tickets to events and plane tickets
iPhone 5s

12a. What were the best gifts you got?
Audrey Kawasaki print from Sylkia
Button Makers from Russ
Cowboy boots from Mom
Tires from Russ (so romantic)
Engagement Ring
Mexico Vacation from Mom

13. Whose behavior merited celebration?
GCI team (Treg, Jennifer, Kristine)
Audrey and all supporting players for Epic Unicorn
Power T for all the stuff
Ava and Sam for the Burners Without Borders work
Tigger and Jade and all supporting players
Pharaoh for his world trip and Susan for being supportive
Public: Wendy Davis, Elizabeth Warren

14. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
The Republican Congress for the government shutdown. Whoever is responsible for the Affordable Care Act rollout (as I am pleased by the program and am saddened the program got managed so badly)

15. Where did most of your money go?
Stuff for house (I'll be paying off the insulation for the next 3 years), Insurance, Entertainment

16. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Flipside, Twigsville, Book of Mormon, Russ

17. What song will always remind you of 2013?
The world- Royals by Lourd, my world- Q.U.E.E.N. by Janelle Monae

18. Compared to this time last year, are you:_
a. happier or sadder?_happier
b. ii. thinner or fatter? Fatter
c. iii. richer or poorer?_About the same

19. What do you wish you'd done more of?
I did less book reading this year than I like. Cardio.

20. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Probably watched too much tv, but there's a lot of good tv now, so I don't feel too bad.

21. How will you be spending Christmas?
Spent it with family in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

22. What happened to question 22?
It's still on the beach.

23. Did you fall in love in 2013?
More and more every day

24. How many one-night stands?

25. How many all-night parties?
Too many to count. One of the good things in my life.

26. What were your favorite TV programs?_
West Wing, Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, Mad Men, Orange is the New Black, Misfits, OHhowIloveHBOGO (Girls, Big Love, Game of Thrones, True Blood, In Treatment, Treme), Breaking Bad, Scandal

27. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. No drama.

28. What was the best book you read?
Favorites: Tell the Wolves I'm Home by Carol Brunts, Just Kids by Patti Smith [Am excited that my library now does Ebooks]

Audibooks: John Dies at the End, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

29. What was your greatest musical discovery?
No one thing obsessed me, but here's my favorites: If you're a Spotify person:
My favorite songs of the year:

My favorite Albums of the year:

Albums were by Ra Ra Riot, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Phoenix, Noah and the Whale, Daughter, Halm, Janelle Monae, Son Lux, Kasey Musgraves, the Hunger Games soundtrack

30. What did you want and get?
All the things

31. What did you want and not get?
My beloved transporter.

32. What was your favorite film(s) of this year?
Good Old Fashioned Orgy, Silver Linings Playbook, Oz, Pitch Perfect, Confessions of a Wallflower. John Dies at the End, The Heat, The Way Way Back

33. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 40. I woke with breakfast in bed being delivered by Kathasaurus. I worked, and met Kat for lunch. After dinner I went to Barleyswine with Russ which was a 12 course adventure. I will be hosting a bigger party in February since December is too full.

34. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
I can honestly say that I wanted for nothing real this year. One for the record books.

35. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
No concept and I have decided that 2014 will see this as a focus. I dislike opening my closet and thinking that I hate most of my clothes.

36. What kept you sane?_
People: My wife as always, Kat, Girlie, Tom, Pixie, Audrey, and Russ

37. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Wendy Davis

38. What political issue stirred you the most?_
Stirred! For the first time in years. Wendy Davis helped start something.

39. Who did you miss?
My friends in other cities. Um yes. I could fill a post with the people I miss. In town I miss Jana.

40. Who was the best new person you met?_
Met Deadletter at Burning Man on a magic night.

40.5 Who do you know that want to get to know better in 2014?
Chrissy, and maybe more time with Angelique and Eric

41. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013?
This is what happy feels like.

42. Quote a Song Lyric that sums up your year.
The Bootie Don't Lie

I know my year 2013 will be filled with Russ, friends and parties, trying to produce Night Market, helping my sister with her wedding, Flipside, and of course The Epic Wedfest Weekend. My goals are to keep my shit together and enjoy the wedding process instead of letting it stress me out. This is what I have trained for all these years after all. And the end result is I will be married to my Unicorn.

russ, nye

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