Okay so here we are again. Again about an hour and a half of sleep. But this time I am writing this on the plane using internet for the first time because I forgot to copy the meme before getting on so I am actually spending $5.41 for an hour of internet in order to write this. I didn't finish in time so I did a bit more while at Twigsville and am finally finishing here at home.
If you're interested in the past:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/2841.html I forgot 2004.
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/64612.html#cutid1 2006: (this one is locked friends only because it was a very honest one)
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/152572.html 2007:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/183143.html#cuti 2008:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/261591.html 2009:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/305177.html#cutid1 2010:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/315448.html 2011:
http://xoxoxtc.livejournal.com/318812.html 2011 was the Year of the Rabbit and is traditionally associated with home and family, artistic pursuits, diplomacy, and keeping the peace. For me 2011 was very pleasant year. I did do good stuff in the house and made some art this year.
1. What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before? got a passport, went to a chiropractor, flew first class and business class, went to Ireland, got an ultrasound (on my legs), went to Singapore, took a meditation class, zip lined, used the internet on a plane, went to the Griffith Observatory
Bands/Shows I hadn’t seen before:
No big concerts this year
I did get to go the Gaultier exhibit in San Francisco and that was so great
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?I am constantly striving to Get My Shit Together and so this year I made goals-Here were my goals:
Goal: *I will be at my goal weight.
2012 verdict: Well, this was a roller coaster. I actually hit my weight goal for the first time ever, but that was partly because I got ill at a point. So it was a mixed bag of yay! skinny! but oh so sick.
So now I’m better, and some of the weight has come back. But I’m okay with that as I’d rather be overweight and healthy than thin and sick. I had always said that but this year it was proved.
For 2013 I will continue to work with it but after taking some time off I will be refocusing and working to get myself healthy. Healthy not the number will be something I will be trying.
WIN=I will say yes as I showed that my body can do it, now it’s just a matter of making it stick the right way.
Goal: *I will be debt free. - Well, I also hit this goal, but then some circumstances brought me right back up.
So 2013 will be about really focusing on this again because we’re not going to go through this cycle again. I did just refinance which will put a little extra in my pocket and I will be making myself a “cough” budget of sorts to see what I need to do to get clear
EVEN: Accomplished the goal but then f’ed it up so ah well.
Goal: *I will have written at least a 50,000 word novel-Nope. Morning pages again probably has me at 50,000 words but that doesn’t count as producing something.
In 2013 I plan to take one of Spike’s class and actually decided not to take on some projects for next year so that I could have time to devote to this one.
LOSE: Nope, but next year.
Goal: *I will have gone on at least 6 dates with people I don't know. (This one can be revised if I find the one I want before date number 6.)
It only took two internet dates to find Russ. I went on a third after that which was so awkward it definitely helped cement how awesome he is. So yes. I got to stop before 6.
WIN: As far as I’m concerned, this was the most important one to accomplish. If the world had actually ended on the 21st, then finding a friend for the end of the world is the only one that matters.
In 2013 my romantic goals are just to continue to enjoy him and I’m openly unabashedly excited about the future we have together. And the best part is I know he feels the same way.
Art goals for 2012 I planned to:
knit myself a scarf concoction that I saw at a craft fair and want to try to create rather than spend the $95 she wanted-Nope. I need to learn to crochet for this and I started to at Girlie's craft nights but then they stopped and I stopped. This will remain a goal in 2013.
For 2012 I said I would tackle at least 2 projects out this cute beginning sewing project book I got a few years ago. But nope, again didn’t touch it.
Do more collages-Again, nope.
For 2012: Make art for my Flipside theme camp-Nope. But I have a plan again for this year and I'm excited to think I will actually make it go. I also have plans for Burning Man. Again, nope. The Flipside and Burning Man camps were just too ambitious and I was too unmotivated. But this year at Flipside Camp No Thank You will kick it (can has button maker!) and you will see the goodness!
I did join a ‘make art and send it to strangers’ project. I got three projects out which was great but I’m also about 4 behind which is so not great but in 2013 I will fucking get this done fuck.
In 2012 I tried to do the take a photo a day challenge. I did okay, here's almost the full set I haven't completed the end of the year.
365 challenge In 2013 I endeavor to help make the next GCI go (with a team taking it on and me helping not in charge) and I will continue to be Audrey’s emotional support with the Austin Art Authority.
Did anyone close to you give birth? So. Many. Babies. Estelle -Cat Bacon and Brimm, -Milo-Buck and Suzanne, Robby Frazor and erin-Charles Xavier, Effie and Benjamin-Sagan Martin, Dawn and Bradley-Brandon, Cecilia and Joel-Madelaine, Ryan and Amy-Fiona, Steph ad Beaux-Ilonka, Leah and Noah-Bodhi, Rob and Diana-Gabriel "Roofrack"
3b. Did anyone close to you get married?/what weddings did you attend?
Graham and Stina (lovely ranch wedding, Elmo was visiting us so fun road tripping, good mix of Gigsville and DFTs, did the whole Girl thing and got a new dress etc. for this one);
wedding reception for Anna and Gavin-hotel casual in Houston,
Lucky Dave and Roxanne-northern California beauty and super intense since Eno was his best man so got to face him or the first time in 6-7 years,
Reception for Julie and Nathan with a wedding cake effigy
Ghost and Sarah-lovely day, good food, good friends (first wedding with Russ as date so was extra special)
Did anyone close to you die? It was a bigger year than in year’s past.
Ke's Dad
Millie who was….there’s really too much to write here about her. She loved as an inspiration. It was the first time experiencing the extended illness and passing of someone i loved using Facebook as a medium of communication which was extra weird and weirdly comforting. I also watched her memorial live streamed on my iPhone while I walked through an airport so very odd to experience something so personal surrounded by strangers. My heart still aches for Laura and Zoe and Noah
Joey Jello-Joey was a friend. He slept in my home and we fed him dinner a few times. One of my wife's dirty lost boys who wound up in my car after my wife pulled him out of a fight. That night he was so very drunk and we battled over the volume of my car and from thence on I was nicknamed "The Enemy of Fun." He had Freebird tattooed on his stomach. He was someone who owed a lot of people money, but he was also someone you would still loan money. He was pretty and I had a tiny crush but would never have gone there. The last time I saw him he was djing at the Moose and I gave him beads so he would take his pants off. I will miss him. One of the things I will try to take from he is that he didn't give two fucks what anyone else thought and was so very himself.
James Sanchez, my 22 year old cousin by self induced shotgun in Arizona. He was the sweetest little boy and a troubled young man. Things seemed to be going great with a new apartment and a new job. Guess not. My mother believes there was foul play and he didn't do this. Either way he's gone;
Paul Addis, who I never met but he was a friend to some of my friends and a bringer of the chaos.
Todd Osborne, i.e. Sensei. This one was not a surprise, he battled cancer for 3 years. And when I say battled, I mean he fought against the dying of that light with grace and humor and went out dancing as much as he could right to the very end. He chose his ending and so this one is, as my friend Melissa said, bittersweet. And then he made the decision of when and how to leave, We mostly knew each other online since he lived in Seattle, but a few in person times happened and he was good at making you feel special. Once of his last posts on our boards was "Just remember I love you and everything will be fine." I will remember.;;
What countries did you visit?
I have a different answer!!! I went to Ireland and Singapore. Both for work. Sadly in Ireland is where I got so sick so I didn’t even get to drink a Guinness but I will be back someday. Singapore was fantastic. I did all the things. In the US there was also a few trips to the Bay Area, one to the playa and New Orleans.
2013 holds taking Russ to the playa, Hawaii for next Christmas and I’ll see if I can pull a rabbit out of my ass with a turn at the Italian burn or seeing Pharaoh somewhere on his travels. There' also discussion of Boston and New York.
6. What would you like to have in 2013 that you lacked in 2012?
2011 answers were I would like more romance, and more easy fun. (Our lives are great but we work very hard for our fun.) I got the romance! In 2013 I think I’m giving up on the easy fun. That’s not the life I’ve chosen. I work hard for my fun because it’s worth it.
I would like to have more time to work on my own stuff. I have already been making a plan for how this works which involves doing less of others things and less easy entertainment so I can work on clearing out the projects and producing some things.
What would you like to have less of in 2013 that you had in 2012?
Same answer as last year - By getting out of debt I will have less anxiety over money. I make enough to live my life and living this close to the wire freaks me out. Less sickness. I also would like less death around me and those I love if that’s possible.
What dates from 2012 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Twigsville,Decentralized Dance Party, 1st weekend in Ireland, Singapore, Flipside (specifically Lincoln rampage), night at Treg's family lake house, Slinky Slumber Party, Sylkia's birthday tubing trip, Those first few months with Russ in the good bubble (still there, never leaving, Occupy the Bubble!), Dawn on the pier boat and Girlie turning off the Man at Burning Man, Texas State Fair, Art Outside, Debauch Slumber Party, Santacon, Twigsville
Really only sad/bad days associated with deaths or with illnesses. The worst day was the day I was so very ill coming back from Ireland and having to go through 4 airports and customs and dragging my purse and laptop behind me and not knowing if I could make it to the next gate. That was bad.
What were your biggest achievements of the year?
hit weight goal, was debt free
10. What was your biggest failure?
gained more debt
11. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yep. Sick. So sick. But all fixed now.
What was the best thing you bought?
Tickets to events and plane tickets
new Fleuvogs
membership to How About We dating online
12a. What were the best gifts you got?
best breakup ever with Robert
weird teeth and eyes puppet from Kevin and Nicole at Burning Man
waterproof camera case from Russ
button maker from Russ
Audrey Kawasaki tins (for the story since I also got them for Sylkia)
Tree pendant from Steph Taylor
Apple TV from Mom
Yoshitomo Nara box set of all his collected works from Mom
Whose behavior merited celebration?
Pixie and Peter for showing me a couple who does the work individually and as a couple Pharaoh for his husband work
Laura and everyone who supported Laura and Millie
I guess I’ll add my father in here because even though I don’t think we will have the kind of relationship I want to have because he will never be the man I want him to be, he is trying and so I guess I can say myself here as well because I’m giving it a chance so that I can have some sort of relationship with him
Obama for saying he supported gay marriage, the American people for voting in Obama again
14. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Got stood up by one guy but as we all know that turned out great in the end with another better guy
15. Where did most of your money go?
Stuff for house, Insurance
16. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Flipside, Russ, Burning Man, Twigsville,
17. What song will always remind you of 2012?
The Lumineers-Ho Hey
18. Compared to this time last year, are you:_
a. happier or sadder?_happier
b. ii. thinner or fatter?_Tiny bit Thinner
c. iii. richer or poorer?_Tiny bit richer
19. What do you wish you'd done more of?
More me time and more time with friends.
20. What do you wish you'd done less of?
I gave up TV for Lent, but I still think I watched too much. In 2013 I’m going to cut the cable cord so we’ll see how it goes.
21. How will you be spending Christmas?
Spent it with family in Houston.
22. What happened to question 22?
It's moping a bit that the world didn’t end.
23. Did you fall in love in 2012?
Yes. Oh my gosh yes.
24. How many one-night stands?
25. How many all-night parties?
Too many to count. One of the good things in my life.
26. What were your favorite TV programs?_
Grey's Anatomy, Parenthood, United States of Tara, Once Upon a Time, Scrubs, Louie
27. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No. Hate takes too much energy.
28. What was the best book you read?
Spent a lot of time with audiobooks this year so there was a mix: Game of Thrones 1&2, Angelmaker, Gone Girl,White Apples,
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Again thanks to Spotify and NPR stuff, lots of new music this year. If you’re on Spotify you can hear my Best/Soundtrack of 2012 and Favorite Albums 2012.
30. What did you want and get?
My unicorn
31. What did you want and not get?
My beloved transporter.
32. What was your favorite film(s) of this year?
Cabin in the Woods, Avengers, Bunny and Turnbull, Moonrise Kingdom, Brave, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Hugo, Looper, Lincoln
33. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 39. This was the first year in maybe over a decade that I didn’t have a big birthday party. Scheduling just didn’t work out. But I had two great days off work filled with crafty shopping, a lovely small happy hour dinner at Uchi, and pedicures.
34. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
My year was immeasurably satisfying.
35. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2012?
No concept
36. What kept you sane?_
People: My wife as always, Kat, Robert, Jana, JenMarie, Girlie, Beth, Tom, Pixie, Audrey
37. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I think Abraham Lincoln won the year. We rampaged with him and then he was suddenly everywhere.
38. What political issue stirred you the most?_
The election. I was nervous. It went well.
39. Who did you miss?
My friends in other cities. Um yes. I could fill a post with the people I miss.
40. Who was the best new person you met?_
Yeah, easy answer. Russ.
40.5 Who did you know that want to get to know better in 2013?
Got to know Morgan and Rush a little this year and I think I would like to spend more time with them next year.
41. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012?
Don’t Stop Believing.
42. Quote a Song Lyric that sums up your year.
I’m going to show him that he’s never gonna need another, never need another.
I know my year 2013 will be filled with the house, my friends, helping the team put on the new GCI, a small lead position of Regional Outreach for Flipside, helping Audrey with the Epic Unicorn, putting on Camp No Thank You at Flipside, taking Russ to Burning Man, at least 1 if not 2 New Orleans trips, as well as all of the artistic and health goals I have for myself.
I am feeling very positive about the year ahead. In 2012 a lot fell into place. In 2013 I am SO excited about everything. 2013 is the Year of the Dragon which is about Surprises and Risks. Bring it.