Heyyyyy folks. was good? im gettin better over here. Sorry i havent updated in a while. ive had lots of shit to do. anyways, i hope everyone's day was excellent, i was in a pretty good mood (yesss!) so things went pretty smooth. oh yeah, i got my toes done too =DD they are prettifull <33 i'm glad me and molly are blirples and mirples again. it was different, when we werent.
i missed a bunch of school recently and i have had a SHIT LOAD of stuff to do. so ive been really busy lately. i hate the last couple weeks of school. they suck. and since ive had to make up so much, i go to bed late, wake up late, and guess what, im late for school. and today it just HAD to rain. bitch, i hate it when i need a day NOT to rain, yet, it does anyways. i love the rain tho. there for, today was a low vibe day, but i laughed soo friggin much. life is soo funny sometimes =D lol.
Tomorrow and Friday i dunno whats gunna happen, i hope i stay ::cough cough:: healthy lol. because friday night im prolly goin to stephs for her party<--- by the way, for a side note (STEPH IS WAYY COOL THAN FRUITLOOP!!! he he) and if i dont me and kaley are hanging, and if kaley is grounded me and miracle are hanging...or i might just go with whatever comes my way ;D this might be the most plans i've had in a while. so we are gunna see what happenss =D
im LoW on words..so ima go. but i told u that i would post pictures of my puppy bambi....
he he* hes cute <33
well i gotta go to bed. Night Yall!!
KiSS KiSS ` Bianca