Fandom Nominations

Sep 28, 2011 14:24

Like last year, I'm cutting fandoms that had low interest last year in order to make room for new ones that might be more popular. Below is a poll with shows/movies that fandom osmosis suggests are obvious front runners to be added. If you want some something that isn't here, click the "Other" box and then write in a nomination (or two nominations, if you didn't pick any of the suggested ones). These polls will remain openfor the next few days until I open the sign-ups.

Only vote in the poll if you intend to participate in the exchange, and if you would sign up for these fandoms. It would be a shame to cut current fandoms for new ones that no one signs up for.

I really hope the polls work (I've been trying to make this post since yesterday). There might be gobbledygook underneath the polls, but just ignore that. Fingers crossed.

-Don't waste a write-in on something that's already on last year's list. Either it'll still be there, or there's no hope for it.
-I am adding Misfits by executive decision (there's gotta be some benefit to being the mod, right?). So don't waste a write-in on that.
-This exchange is open only to live action fictional fandoms (ie., tv, movies, and books that have been made into tv/movies---starring actors).
-If you realize you screwed up the poll or you change your mind, you can change your vote here.

Opinion Poll for X-Men Fans
X-Men (movie-verse only) has always been a qualifying fandom, but would you rather have First Class rolled up into it, or would you rather have two separate fandoms, one for the first set of X-Men movies and one for First Class? The matching system doesn't allow me to deal with this on a case by case basis, so wehave to pick a method.

Problems if we count them as separate fandoms:
1) A lot of people find historical and fantasy fandoms extremely difficult to write with another fandom. 2) If you happen to like the entire universe, you'd have to request/offer both fandoms and come up with separate prompts for each.3) If you sign up for both, there's a
(very) slight chance that you could match on X-Men/X-Men First Class. I've never had that happen with Doctor Who/Torchwood or SG1/SGA, so it'll probably be okay, but you never know.

Problems if we count them as one fandom:
There's a very big chance that, for example, a writer who is only interested in First Class might find herself assigned to write for someone whose prompts are all about Rogue or Storm. Basically, anyone signing up to read or write about X-Men would need to be happy reading or writing about ANY of the characters in the overall universe.

Poll Fandoms to AddOpen to: all, results viewable to: all
Vote for Up to 2

Parks & Recreation
Hawaii 5-0
Star Wars
Other (will write in below)

If you used at least one of your votes on Other, what fandoms would you like to see added?

X-Men: Dilemmas

Keep as one fandom
Have separate fandoms for First Class and the other films

exchange: fall11, !modpost

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