Title: One Too Many Mountains
just_drifting_6Fandoms: Doctor Who/Dollhouse
Characters 10th Doctor, Jack Harkness; Adelle DeWitt, Laurence Dominic, Topher Brink, Alpha
Pairings: None
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 3,700
Spoilers: Through season 1 of Dollhouse and series 1 of Doctor Who
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and Dollhouse belong to their
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Comments 4
As expected, he’s disgusted. - for only being with him a couple of weeks she knows him quite well. i almost feel like comparing her to Sarah Jane here - in that both of them went on to live their lives, but he somehow still affects them - Sarah Jane went on a quest for justice because what she's seen/done makes her special, while Adele struggles with what she does because she feels how insignificant she really is in the grand scheme of the universe ( ... )
I wish on the sign-up sheet we could have mentioned favourite characters. Before writing this, I tried like fifty-billion other scenarios with different fandoms and characters. In the end, I thought I'd just have to write it. Adelle is my favourite character and I can write her best, so I went with her, but I worried that you wouldn't like Adelle. Glad you enjoyed the Topher bits :)
Thank you for you comment, it's really lovely and I'm glad you enjoyed this! I enjoyed writing it for you :D
I've never seen Dollhouse, but you got me really invested in Adelle, which is great.
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