Probably one of the best movies ever, IMO. Truly an inspiration for me, and now one of my top faves movies.
Coming to watch this movie was not random, it was for an assignment. But, I am so glad I chose this movie to watch... it speaks to me in so many ways that has changed my outlook in life. I've always been confused with what to do with my life, and after watching this movie I've gotten a better mindset of what to drive for; that is setting a goal that I will persist for.
The two main characters come from a very poor, very rural background... and Arai, the optimistic goal-determined minded one, continuously drives his two friends to keep working hard. Their goal was to study in Paris and travel around Europe, and that was inspired mainly by their English literary teacher. Coming from an impossibly poor and low-caste background, the very idea of leaving that place was something only one can dream of, neverthless go to Europe. But, Arai persists and never loses his perseverance even when his bestfriend, Ikal gives up halfway. But he comes around, and through hard work and patience, both were able to graduate from university and eventually, although they're not shown reaching Paris in the end, they end the movie with the scene of the two characters in the chilly winter street of a city near Paris.
I keep thinking of this movie whenever I feel down and when insignificant things dash my hopes. I love this movie! =)