Feb 20, 2005 15:18
Hey GuYS.. WeLl My WeEkEnd WaS OkaY i GuEsS KinDa BoRiNg... FRiDaY- Me n CaYC weNt to the mal to look for sum new clothes. she found sum she liked and i was kinda broke so i didnt get nething ... but we also saw the circus it was great .. cayc didnt like it 2 much then we left and we met up w sum ppl.. then we just went back to her house Fun HUH? then Sat we woke up and watch the NoTebOok b/c i havent ever seen it * its a WONDErFuL mOvie I lUV it .. then i went home and got ready to go babysit which was extremly BORING...after that i went home and went to bed man a fun FilLEd weekend but the good things is i got to spend it with mY BESTEST friend CAYC BuFf! who I hEart So MUCh!.. lol.. i hopw this week is a good we have our first baseball game tomm im sooo excited b.c. i lvoe baseball... things have been goin ok thati week sum good and sum bad mostly good.. boys confused me ALOT!.. but what boys arent confusing.. well im gunna go i might go shopping tonight YEAh! Luv YA KaYdEe