Jan 02, 2005 18:18
did anyone close to you give birth?
no im pretty sure that was last year...i think..
did anyone close to you die?
what places did you visit?
chicago? hahaha
what would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
PASS MATH WITH ATLEAST A B!!! ((wow..do u think i can do it hahaha))
NOT BITE MY NAILS...KEEP MY HAIR UP! hahah ((cuz we kno i be strugglin with these naps haha))
what date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory?
January 16th........and sadly the repetitive of it November 17th ((no kimmie i still love ur birthday its okay))
what was your biggest achievement of the year?
wow thats a good questin....a lot actually like being able to be on the dance team and in urgency idol at church, doing to the encounter, being a counselour and stuff at camp ...getting into chamber etc.
what was your biggest failure?
BIO !!! lolol
did you suffer illness or injury?
heart injuries lol...but i dont think any REAL injurys...who knows i hurt myself a lot ...tee hee hee
what was the best thing you bought?
oooh SO VERY MUCH CUTE GIRLIER CLOTHS....but id think i actually have to go with my RECORD PRODUCER program! AWESOME
whose behavior merited celebration?
whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
...hmm i wonder.....David and JUSTIN! oooh JUSTIN! ooohhhh oooohh and JIM lolol also some other people that are less obvious who i shall not name
where did most of your money go?
Food lol
what did you get really, really, really excited about?
dance team, urgency idol, winter performance, chamber, record producer, boys hahahaha ((but i was wrongly excited STUPID LOSERS haha))...etc
what song(s) will always remind you of 2004?
Lean Back ...its all JD's Fault "06ers dont dance we just pull up our pants" stupid but funny! that and my mom hahaah she said "ill lean back...lean back" hahaha omigawsh! halarious!
compared to this time last year, are you:
a)happier or sadder?
somewhere in the middle....
b)thinner or fatter?
c)richer or poorer?
what do you wish you'd done more of?
Listened...in more ways then one
what do you wish you'd done less of?
slacked off in school
how will you be spending New Year's?
i SPENT it......sleeping hahaha very fulfilling
did you fall in love in 2004?
i fell in love in 2001.....i just wish i coulda fell outa love in 2004...maybe this year..maybe this year..
how many one-night stands?
none. and proud of it.
what was your favorite TV program?
a) ONE TREE HILL!!!! ..my husband!
d) Music Videos? ..i dunno
do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
NO ..i do not hate ANYONE...but there are definately some people i STRONGLY ...and i mean VERY STRONGLY dislike! lol
do you like anyone now that you hated this time last year?
i dun think so ...hmm.. well i kno some people i didnt hate but found kinda annoying that i totally think are great this year!
what was the best book you read?
oohhh.....BAD QUESTION! lol
what was your greatest musical discovery?
I dunno...kelly clarkson became a rocker! that tripped me out a lil bit
what did you want and get?
.....i dunno...but i can answer teh NEXT question fo sho!
what did you want and not get?
...hmm i wonder! ...DERRRHHH....i didnt want THIS....thats all i have to say..i didnt want THIS...
what was your favorite film this year?
Saw, The passion, the Notebook, Raise your voice, sooo many incredible movies...OOH the incredibles too...
what did you do on your birthday?
peter slept over, we watched BUtterfly affect ((oooh that goes in the above catagory as well)) and eurotrip...blair came over too that night....we basically just kicked it..
what one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
...MY GOODNESS I WONDER!!! hahahha this is so obvious!
how would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
....girly isnt soooo bad lolol
what kept you sane?
which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Chad Michael Murray hehe
what political issue stirred you the most?
i dunno bout "stirred"..but i kno that i did actually watch the DEBATES and got kinda into that, so ill say the debates
who did you miss?
one is VERY obvious....and ummm as for teh rest, i dunno i missed alot of people over summer and stuff...but ill say NUMBER 1 PERSON i missed...would be SHANNON i havent seen her in soo many years...this summer fo sho!
who was the best new person you met?
TESHIE!!!! dude i love teshie.....im so glad i met her this summer!
tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004:
Boys lie hahahhaa....dont worry kimmie im kiddin ((only kinda haha))..
[x] About how tall would he be - taller then me
[x] Shoe size - 12
[x] Skinny or fat - in shape
[x] Buff or normal - normal...but a good normal
[x] Six pack - yea that would be nice..settle for a 4 pack tho
[x] Hair style - short
[x] Color hair - blonde
[x] Eye color - blue
[x] Dark, Tan, or Light Skin - very LIGHT haha
[x] Glasses or contacts - neither
[x] Piercings - no
[x] Braces or no braces - no braces
[x] Scars - only a few
[x] Eyebrows - not a bush
[x] Big butt or little butt - not bigger than mine..which isnt big lol
[x] Chest hair - no
[x] Do you really care what he looks like - ...guess not ha
[x] Nice or mean - he seems to switch
[x] Would he be caring - usually
[x] Is he the sensitive type or the kinky type - sensitive, but he doesnt let it show...ud only catch it on those moments
[x] Would he be afraid to show his feelings - oh yea, hes terrified that people will hurt him but i would NEVER hurt him...and he knows that
[x] Jealous type? - kinda...not overly, but if somethings fishy hes fishy. ha
[x] Flirty - yes...but more secretively ....it depends on how confortable he is with u, if hes not real comfy hell be very light abotu it...if he is....well he might just think ur a drum set "bada boom" haha ((only a kim and parisa thing))
[x] Funny or serious - WAY TOO SERIOUS....but hes funny if u get underneath that
[x] Outgoing or shy - outgoing.
[x] Lazy - No ...laziness would probably be HORRIBLE in his eyes
[x] Sarcastic or sincere - hard to tell....but i have to believe sincere.
[x] Would he swear - sadly..but its not as bad as it used to be its a lot beter! he really tries not to.
[x] Does he have a lot of girlfriends - no,.
[x] Would he hang out with you or his friends - sometimes me, sometimes his friends sometimes both at teh same time
[x] Would he hang out with your friends- not unlikely just rarely
[x] Party or stay home - party?? ooh no....we have to stay home and do hwk ALL TEH TIEM! haha
[x] Would he have a lot of friends - enough friends.
[x] Would he put his friends before you - sadly
[x] Would he drink - used to
[x] Would he smoke - used to
[x] Would he do drugs - used to
[x] Would he tell you he loves you- "as a friend"...wonder if he meant it...doesnt seem like it..
[x] Would he act different around his friends - ALL THE TIME......they didnt even kno the sides of him i did
[x] Has a job- yea...got that bank ha
[x] Has a car- yea.....nnniiiiiiiiiiiccccceeeee
[x] Goes to skool- everyday
[x] Hold hands - not really
[x] Kiss you - on forehead last time i recall, seemed to get the forehead, the hand, the cheek...everything BUT the lips haha
[x] Hug you from behind - whenever he was tryin to get something from me...that we all KNO he coulda easily snatched without the hug lol
[x] Would he call you 'hunny, sweety, baby' - those arent exactly the words he used
[x] Will he walk you to the door - no...how odd..
[x] Will he open doors for you - everytime....1st person who ever did actually
[x] Will pull out chairs for you - yes
[x] Would he surprise you - end of freshman year....that was soo cute "SUPRISE"....seee...he HAD to care...
[x] Remember your anniversary - one time he thought he did....thought he remembered the first time we met....WAYYYY OFFF.....he said somethign bout december but i didnt move to cali till january....its okay were all entitled to stupid moments, tho hes had one to many "nobody told me when u get pregnant, u cant get repregnant" haha my gawsh!
[x] Would he lay under the stars with you - aww
[x] Watch the sunrise with you - awww...
[x] Write love letters - not exactly LOVe letters
[x] Write poems about you - not the nicest ones
[x] Would he cook for you - chicken sandwhiches..it was good tho...
............yea yea yea...i kno what ur thinkin bout my perfect boyfriend...I CANT HELP IT..so leave me alone! i really dont care about ur judjements!