Ecce Frenchman!

Aug 27, 2019 16:20

Good on Bolsonaro for standing up to Macron, and insisting that Brazil be dealt with as an equal. By no means am I opposed to simply issuing diktats to the banana republics, but Brazil isn't one of those. Perhaps Macron is motivated by pernicious envy, that Bolsonaro has a better wife than he :D

All levity aside, Bolsonaro has a valid point about Notre Dame. That was an entirely preventable fire, damaging one of the world's truly irreplaceable treasures. A man who'd allow something like that to happen in his own country has little standing to criticize others.

I wonder how many of the children currently chanting "Our lungs are burning" have ever lived anywhere but a city? I'm guessing very few of them, given that they don't seem to even understand that vegetation grows back, still less that it's actually hard to keep it from growing without constant struggle. I've heard several now claiming that burning away a patch of jungle means that it's gone forever. That, too, seems now to be "settled science".


Or, I wonder... Did Macron think he was going to pull off a really quick instant victory and PR coup by copying Trump's successful method in dealing with Mexico and Guatemala, without understanding the dynamics of South America? Certainly, if he tried, he didn't grasp why (or possibly even notice) Trump took so long to come to the use of public threats.

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france, brazil, politics

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