** RomEo -n- JuLieT **

Jan 16, 2005 20:23

wow i really havent updated in this thing for sooo long. i know i promised that i would start updating alot more its just that things have been going pretty bad and i havent had any time. ive been sooo busy. im usually with danny and if im not, im with my friends, and if not then im fighting with my parents.

- - i dont know how to deal with my parents anymore. i dont understand them at all.now im not allowed to see danny over the weekdays.. im only allowed to hang out with him on weekends. And my phone privaleges have been cut short. i hate it soo much. And we fight constantly. Every single time im home. So i just try to avoid them as much as possible and when i get home i just go straight to my room and basicly stay there the rest of the night. i really hate it. and it really sucks when we fight now. before i could easily fight back and like defend myself. but now that i have danny, it makes me weak. they know they can take away all my privaleges of seeing him at all and they will. so i just never fight back and i have to take all their bullshit and it sucks soo bad. Last night when they picked me up from dannys they kept saying how embarassed they were.They kept saying how it makes me look sooo desperate that im over there and that im there so late .. and it was 10:30 when they picked me up. they said that if we were in the philippines, theyd have to dissown me. and i just sat in the back seat tearing..as they went on telling me how everyones prolly talking about me and i should care what they think and how desperate i look to everyone. How could they say that to their own daughter?!? I dont get it.. im 17 years old!!.. i should be allowed to date.. i should be allowed out on weekdays.. i should be allowed to go over a boys house without being told that im desperate or it makes me look like a whore. WTF?!.. mrs.henning.. if ur reading this.. i really need help. can u please call me in a.s.a.p. that would really mean alot to me.

- - <3<3 everything with danny is going perfect. i really love him. hes sooooo amazing. He's been there for me everytime i get upset about my parents. we're almost on our 4 month C: C: C: C: .. im sooo incredibly happy with him u have no idea. im sooo glad that hes understanding about all this.. about my parents and all. if it was any other guy.. they would deff be pissed at the fact they theyve never been over my house or we're only allowed to hang out on weekends. but not danny.. hes deffinently perfect. C: im on like cloud 9 everytime im with him. i never knew that it can be this good. This is deffinently as good as it gets. C: <3<3<3

- - okay well i gotta go .. im sick.. and it sucks so bad cuz we have off tomorrow too. but yeah i need to go lie down.. ill really try to update more. okayy..

** wouldnt it be nice if we could wake up..
in the morning when the day is new..
and having spent the whole entire day together..
hold each other close the whole night through **
HaPPy TiMeS ToGeTheR We'Ve BeEn SpeNdInG..
I wIsH EvErY KiSs WaS NeVeR EnDiNg <3<3

<3<3<3 pauleenyy
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