Black and White (One Shot)

Jan 13, 2010 16:42

Title: Black and White
Author: xojemmaxo
Rating: PG - 13 for nakedness :P
Pairing: Ryan / Jon
Beta: hooray4irony
Summary: "I could - take photos of you like that. If you wanted. I - I want to. But not if you don't," Jon says, stumbling over his words.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, this never happened.
POV: Third person
Author's Notes: For the stonersinloveprompt table, because not enough people are doing that, dammit. This was supposed to be really short, but then my inability to write one - shots kicked in and it ended up a lot longer than I expected it to.

Ryan doesn't find out about Jon's camera until they've been going out for six months and their relationship is starting to lean towards long - term. At first, he's pissed off at Jon for hiding something that's obviously important to him (he looked through the photos stored on the memory card, okay. If Jon didn't want anyone to look at the images full of light and colour, he would have taken the memory card out and hidden it.), but then as he's putting the camera back in Jon's closet (okay, he looked through that too, even though there really isn't an excuse for someone to go through someone else's stuff) his anger begins to cool, a little, and Ryan starts to wonder why Jon didn't show him the camera.

Maybe he's embarassed for being into art. Ryan can't think, why, though, since Jon can walk around naked in his apartment while Ryan's there and not become self - conscious. Ryan could never do that. Jon's pretty much the hardest - to - embarass person ever. Ryan drops that idea and thinks about it again, making a cup of coffee and sitting on Jon's couch to help stimulate his brain (keep him awake).

Maybe Jon doesn't find his photography important enough to mention to Ryan. Yeah, Ryan can see Jon thinking that. Jon might have just not gotten around to telling Ryan or something. Ryan decides the case is closed (he phrases it like that because he's thinking and simultaneously watching an old detective movie) and falls asleep on the couch, forgetting about the whole thing.

He remembers it again after a month or so when he goes to Jon's house on a Saturday afternoon and finds the camera sitting on Jon's kitchen table. Ryan purses his lips and thinks 'that's strange' and calls Jon. He emerges from his bedroom in a pair of loose jeans and a shirt. Ryan smiles at the sight of his boyfriend.

"Hey, Honey," Jon says (Ryan grimaces internally because honey? That's something they'll have to work on) as he crosses the kitchen, wrapping Ryan into a hug. "I missed you," he says into Ryan's shoulder. Ryan smiles again and pulls away a little, enough so he can kiss Jon (which he does) nut not far enough away that Jon's arms slip down from his waist.

"You saw me yesterday," says Ryan, but in the tolerant tone he uses when Jon's being cute and has yet to use with anyone else.

"Yeah, for about five minutes," complains Jon playfully, his mouth curving upwards in that lazy way Ryan loves.

"Pfft," says Ryan. "It was totally ten. And besides, I'm here now, and I'm not leaving until we order Chinese and fall asleep on the couch."

"Okay," says Jon. "You'll have to stay a while, then, 'cause I just ate."

"Fine with me," says Ryan. He kisses Jon once more before pulling away, feeling a little claustrophobic.

"What's this?" he asks, gesturing down to the camera like he only noticed it now (which he totally didn't, but Jon doesn't know that).

"Oh," says Jon. "That's my photography camera."

Ryan frowns in a confused kind of way and cocks his head to the side. "How come I've never seen it?" he asks.

"Oh, it's been sitting in my closet since I met you," says Jon. "I've been too busy lately to go out and take photos."

"Oh," says Ryan agreeably. He sets the camera back down gently on the table and goes to get a glass of water.

"I've been sort of thinking..." begins Jon, haltingly. Ryan turns to look at him.

"Hmm?" he says, before rooting in the cupboards over the stove to find a glass that isn't gross - looking (Jon's not the cleanest person ever).

"About the camera," says Jon. Ryan frowns again. He hopes Jon didn't find out that he had already found the camera, by going through Jon's closet, no less. "I kind of wanted to take some photos of, um. You."

"Me?" asks Ryan, bemused. He sets the glass on the counter. He doesn't know why Jon wants to take photos of him, he's not the best - looking thing in the world. "Why me?"

"I don't know. You just - you're very photogenic, and I think I could get some good shots of you," says Jon. He moves over to the table and picks up the camera, fiddling with the lense.

"Oh," says Ryan. "Well, I don't mind. You can take photos of me."

Jon's looking rather relieved, like he thought Ryan would say no. Ryan can't really say no to Jon.

"Did you want to take some now?" asks Ryan. "Or, like. Later?"

"Yeah," says Jon. "Yeah, now would be good."

"Okay, just wait." Ryan picks up the glass and fills it with water from the tap, gulping it down quickly and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before setting the glass back down and moving closer to Jon.

"Where do you want me to sit, or lie, or stand, or whatever?" asks Ryan, watching as Jon flips through images on the camera and deletes some of them.

"Um." Jon glances around his little apartment. "The couch?" he suggests.

"Yeah, sure," says Ryan. He moves over to it and sits down and Jon follows him, deleting some final images from his camera and perching on the coffee table. He looks up at Ryan and Ryan laughs.

"I feel like Kate Winslet in Titanic," he says, pouting his lips and hooding his eyes and looking nothing like the actress at all.

Jon snaps a photo.

"Hey!" says Ryan. "Did you just take a photo of me looking like an idiot?" he demands, and Jon grins.

"Hard not to," he says.

Ryan scowls. "Show me the picture."

Jon turns the camera so Ryan can see the display screen on the back and he recoils in horror. He looks like a drag queen. One of his eyes are closed. He looks... drugged or something.

"I look like a drunk drag queen," he tells Jon sharply and Jon laughs at his indignation.

"Delete the photo."

"No, Honey, it's so you. I can't possible delete it," says Jon, but he does anyway because Ryan's glaring daggers at him.

"Okay, Kate," Jon says, raising the camera.

Ryan forgives Jon for the moment (he'll have to make it up to Ryan later, Jon knows Ryan hates looking bad in photos) and says, "Oh, Mr. Leonardo, you must draw me naked, because I am positively devine!" in a voice he supposes in Kate Winslet - esque.

Jon lowers the camera. Ryan's grinning with laughter, but Jon's face is serious.

"What?" asks Ryan, his smile fading.

"I could - take photos of you like that. If you wanted. I - I want to. But not if you don't," Jon says, stumbling over his words.

"Oh," says Ryan, a little shocked. Jon has seen him naked before, of course, but then they were having sex and there was passion obscuring vision and the fact is that Jon's never seen Ryan properly naked before. And Ryan's kind of really self - conscious of his body (he thinks it's ugly, he's skinny as a twig and his hipbones and ribs jut out and he looks emaciated).

"You don't have to," says Jon a little sadly, fiddling with the camera again and looking disappointed.

"I - I will. If you really want me to," says Ryan, because Jon's the least judgemental person ever and he probably won't think a mean thought about Ryan's body. "But. You know. Me being naked will probably ruin the photos."

"What? No it won't," protests Jon. "You have an awesome body. It's better than mine."

"Not it's not," says Ryan, but he stands up from the couch and unwinds his scarf from around his neck anyway. He puts it on the couch along with his glasses that were previously hanging out of his shirt, his wallet, and his phone. He toes his shoes off and pulls his socks off and then looks down at Jon, who's looking at him with his eyes a little wider than normal. Ryan suddenly feels the wave of self - conscious terror flood back. How did Kate Winslet do that? How could you take off all your clothes in front of an entire filming crew?

"Are you okay?" Jon's asking and Ryan realises he's been staring at him with a frozen look on his face for a while. Jon touches his wrist. "You don't have to do this," Jon tells him firmly, sliding his hand over the tattoo on Ryan's left wrist.Thin as a Dime, he got that right.

"No. I want to," says Ryan. He reaches for the buttons on his shirt and unbuttons them slowly to postpone the moment he has to show his flaws to Jon.

"Would it help if I turned away?" asks Jon kindly, letting go of Ryan's hand.

Ryan snorts. "No," he says, even though it would but not in the long run because Jon's going to be taking naked photos of him and Ryan's going to be so embarassed, god. He finishes unbutton his shirt and leaves it hanging off his shoulders as he starts on his pants. Jon stands, leaving his camera on the coffee table, and slides the shirt off Ryan's shoulders. He grazes his lips and his beard over Ryan's neck like the way he knows Ryan likes before gently tugging the shirt sleeves off his arms and throwing the shirt onto the couch with Ryan's other things.

"Thanks," says Ryan quietly.

"No problem," says Jon. "Do you need help with your pants?"

Ryan nods and Jon kneels, nudging Ryan's fingers out of the way and unzipping his pants. Jon noses at Ryan's stomach as he pulls his boyfriend's pants smoothly down his thighs, leaning back to tug them off Ryan's legs. He pushes Ryan's pants onto the couch, looks up at the other man and says, "Do you want me to take your underwear off?"

Ryan laughs shakily, because Jon can see every rib from where he's sitting back on his haunches.

"I can do it," he says.

"Okay," says Jon. He stands and kisses Ryan briefly and turns back to the coffee table, busying himself with the camera to give Ryan a moment. Ryan smiles at the gesture and slides his underwear down and off, shoving them under his pants bunched on the couch.

"I'm. Um. Ready," he says, and Jon turns slowly back around and doesn't look down, doesn't look anywhere but Ryan's face. Ryan feels a surge of appreciation for his boyfriend.

"Do you want to - I thought the bed would be good for photos, as sleazy as that sounds," says Jon, and Ryan gives him a small smile and says the bed's fine and follows Jon to the bedroom.

"Do you want me to. What should I do?" asks Ryan, standing in front of the bed. Jon still hasn't looked down at Ryan's body.

"Do you want to lie down?" asks Jon. "Like Kate," he adds, grinning. Ryan smiles back and sits on the bed.

"Where do I lie?" he asks, subconsciously covering himself with strategically placed arms.

"Uh, against the pillows?" asks Jon. The pillows are black and the sheets and unmade covers are white and in black and white, Ryan will be grey and will contrast with everything.

Ryan complies, lying flat and watching Jon watch him.

"Can you - " Jon moves around the bed so he's in front of his bedside table and has a better shot of Ryan, then moves toward the foot of the bed and bends a little - "Maybe lie on your side, but not too much. Sort of prop yourself up with your elbow."

"Which elbow?" asks Ryan, feeling stupid and naked and ugly and not very photogenic at all.

"The one resting on the bed," says Jon, and Ryan props himself up, throwing his other hand in front of him to keep his balance so he doesn't roll off the edge.

"That's good," says Jon. "Relax your face, look sort of serious." Ryan tries to do as Jon's asking and Jon takes a photo, the flash leaving purple dancing spots in Ryan's vision. Jon moves closer to the bedside table and takes another photo, and another.

"Do you want me in another position now?" asks Ryan, and screws his face up because the sentence sounded kind of wrong.

"You're disgusting," says Jon lightly. Then, "Yeah. Maybe lie on your back again, but not as stiff?"

"Now who's the disgusting one?" asks Ryan, doing what Jon asks. He feels his stomach flip when he moves and his cock settles ungracefully between his legs, because Jon saw that, but he's just fiddling with the zoom on his camera and if he did see it, he doesn't say anything.

"Okay, um." Jon grabs a black throw pillow and puts it just to the side of Ryan's stomach. Then he grabs the blanket and pulls it over Ryan's right leg, up to his hipbone, and moves the pillow on top of it."Bend your left leg a little," he instructs, and Ryan does so. "Not that much. And could you rest your left hand on your chest, just lightly? A little lower than your collabone?" Ryan does.

Jon sinks down at the foot of the bed with his camera between Ryan's legs and says, "You're really..." trailing off as he takes another photo.

"I'm really what?" Ryan asks, panicking a little in case Jon was going to say ugly or skinny or pale.

Jon peeks over the top of his camera. "Beautiful. You're really beautiful," he says, and Ryan knows he means it and maybe smiles a secret smile while Jon's taking the next photo.

When Jon's got enough photos (which takes a while) he goes into the loungeroom and gets Ryan's clothes from the couch. When he brings them into his bedroom Ryan's holding his camera, flipping through the photos. He's got a look on his face that Jon doesn't know how to decipher, and he approaches the bed cautiously, hoping Ryan doesn't hate every single photo Jon took of him.

"These are really... good," Ryan says, for want of a better word, looking up at Jon. "I mean. I look good. You made me look good."

Jon's face breaks out into a smile and he sits next to Ryan, leaning against the pillows. "Which one's your favourite?" he asks, slipping an arm around Ryan's naked waist. Ryan doesn't even flinch, too absorbed in the pictures.

"I have a few favourites," says Ryan. He flips to the one where he thought he'd been smiling secretly, lying back on the bed with the throw pillow on his hip, and looks again at the small but obvious curve of his mouth. It's nothing like the photos Jon usually takes, but that's okay. "I like this one the most," he admits. "I don't know why."

Jon says big words about the lighting and the contrast and tone that Ryan doesn't really get, but nods along to anyway.

"And you look the best in this one, I think," finishes Jon after his artistic rant. "You look... private, sort of. Secret."

Ryan smiles sideways at him and Jon kisses him.

"Thanks for this," Ryan tells Jon against his mouth.

"That's okay." Jon pulls back and takes the camera, turning it off and setting it on the bed. "I think I should thank, you, though," he says. "For, you know. Letting me see you like that."

"It's fine," says Ryan. He leans over and kisses Jon again before saying, "I think I might love you."

Jon grins. "Me too."

Ehe. So ridiculously fluffy.

ryan / jon, jon walker, slash, ryan ross, photography, panic! at the disco, the young veins

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