
Oct 19, 2012 20:00

Not many interesting things, but things!

RL update: I've finally finished secondary school, officially! It feels great to never have another English class. Now all I have left is my exams and then it's (hopefully) off to uni!

I will have a little bit more free time for the next few weeks, so I can be more active in fandom. At the moment I've signed up for the

fangedfrerard  fest/challenge for illustrating, so I'm really excited about that and it'll give me something to focus on besides revision. My brain will fry if I don't have a distraction.

I also signed up for imadeathing on Dreamwidth but I've yet to choose a prompt - I think I will choose embroidery or needlework as I have a stupid big Mario Mushroom I should have finished a long time ago and I would like to get it finished over Christmas in time for the deadline. I'll probably also start about five other things because I just do that.

I'm still steadily editing what I have of various half-recorded podfics. I'm really wary of the sound quality changing as I stop/start recording, so I'm waiting for a long period of time in which I can just finish recording a whole bunch in one go.

I also drew some sketches! They're not illustrations for stories or anything, but at least I'm drawing. It's great to not have to draw things for school anymore.

The top one is just a doodle. The bottom one is drawn from a photo shoot, so it's not super inventive or anything, but I liked it. \o/

Also, I ordered a Smashing Pumpkins shirt from eBay and I'm really excited waiting for its arrival.

I hope everyone's okay! I've glanced a few podfics in my flist and I need to get around to listening and commenting. :D

illustration, personal

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