I swear, if there was one person i could choose to love forever, it'd be bobby. i love him so much! he's just a great boyfriend.. reasonable, considerate, sweet, funny, cuteee<3 and not to mention treats me excellently! He came home this weekend and it was real good. He got me a new Coach bag for Valentine's Day ;D .. I slept over his house all weekend. It's such a contradiction that when Bobby's here I can come in at 4 in the morning (which I have) and theyre totally cool about it, but with anybody else my curfew is between 1-2 a.m. For most people it's different. My familys just diplomatic. Speak of, my dad came home as well, and we hung signs up around the house for him because he's been away for 3 weeks. He got me a sweatshirt from Fort Lewis, it's wicked comfy. I didn't get my sister the right kind of Litchi candy from Chinatown, but it was nice of her to be happy about it anyway. I started drivers ed monday, jeez. It's soo long, but at least i'm getting it over with. I'm sick of spending mad money over at White Hen for small ham and cheese sandwiches though. My parents are cool with giving me dads car when I get my liscence, but I want to trade it in for a civic or something. I just want my moms pilot.