Dec 25, 2006 18:46
OMG so we had my whole family here today and it was insanity. well my house is really small and having so many people in it at once made me really uncomfortable. my mom thought that i was being a bitch because i didnt want to have our family over. i was being bitchy but i'm not all that close to my family so having all them in the house is weird. but when everyone was over it was ok i suppose. i never really realized how unexciting christmas really is. i mean opening presents is alright but when i was little i was counting down the hours until i could open my presents but now its like...ok. i dont mean to be mr. scrouge though. maybe cuz it doesnt feel like christmas (umm... where is the snow?).
so anyway yesterday i went to my great grandmas house to spend time with her. i honestly didnt really do much i sat on the couch and watched tv for about 2 hours then i helped her wrap presents, so i got to see what she got me (a really pretty snow globe). even though we didnt do to much i think she liked having me over since my great grandpa died i think shes really lonely. i mean she does have her mom (my great great grandma) but she is 100 years old and has bad alzheimers. everytime i go over there it seems to get worse. she has no short term memory whatsoever and her long term is going down the drain. when i was over there she kept asking me where she is and where she was going to sleep that night. its really hard being with someone who has alzheimers because you want to sympathize with them but they are very annoying. but i was glad to see my great grandma. i love her so.
so after that i saved alyssa and invited her to my house. lol we're such dorks. all we did was go on the computer (mostly youtube) and we watched 2 or 3 episodes of supernatural and watched the japanese subbed version of princess mononoke. yes we realize we are dorks.
as a side note, i'm sick of people and their drama, i use to just deal with it but i cant fucking take it anymore i am totally not going to get invovled in it anymore.