Fic: Shadows In Silence 49/50

Sep 12, 2009 13:00

Title: Shadows In Silence
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: BtVS
Characters/Pairings: Spander, Dru
Rating: NC-17 (FRAO) overall
Prompt: #164 Possessed (tamingthemuse)
Warnings: Rape (non-graphic), vamp sex, slash, graphic sex, possible graphic violence
Summary: Four years ago Xander made the mistake of telling his parents something, unfortunately they listened and now he's paying the price.
Disclaimer: I don't own BtVS or the boys and Dru, I just like playing with them. No money is being made and no offense is intended.
A/N: This is the direct result of my muse highjacking my dreams
Previous Parts Here

Chapter Forty Nine: Living Silence
Summary: The group begins to deal with the aftermath
Rating: PG

Spike held on to his Mate as the young man slowly regained consciousness. After losing Dru, he wasn't going to let Xander out of his sight. Burying his face in Xander's neck, he listened to the steady heartbeat and felt the pulse beneath his lips. Here, at this moment, he knew somehow that everything was going to be alright.

“Spike,” Angel called quietly. “We need to be getting home.”

Sighing, Spike sat up and loosened his grip on Xander, letting the young man sit up as well. But Xander made no move to rising, instead he reached for his notepad and began scribbling out a frantic message.

I saw Dru.

“Where?” Spike asked, wondering if the young man had lost his mind. Dru was gone, dust covering the ground.

Dream. Spike, she said she's coming back.

“What?” he yelled, pulling back to stare at his Mate.

She told me she's coming back. Sooner than we think, paused and glanced slightly at Cordy. Can we have Lorne check how, just in case.

Spike caught the look, eyes widening. “Angel, go get Lorne please.”

“Why?” the older vampire demanded. “We don't need Lorne, we need to go home and rest.”

“Angel, if Spike thinks we need Lorne, maybe we do,” Doyle said quietly, touching his husband's arm. “Go get him.”

Huffing, the dark vampire headed out to find the green demon, muttering under his breath. A few minutes later he returned with the Host in tow.

“What can I do for you, honeycakes?” Lorne asked Spike.

Xander shoved the notepad into his hands, letting him read what he had told Spike.

“Is this a problem?”

Xander snatched the pad back. Depends on who she comes back through.

Lorne blinked and paled to a lighter shade of green. “Oh hell,” he whispered. “Sing something Spike.”

Softly, Spike began singing a lullaby that Dru often sang when Xander was first with them. The young man smiled at his Mate and snuggled into his arms, listening to the quiet words.

“Enough,” Lorne said after a lines. “She is coming back, but no worries on that front. I'm not exactly clear on the how, but it's not that way.”

Xander slumped and Spike sighed in relief. That was one problem down. “You don't know how?”

“Sorry, honeycakes, but that's hidden even from me.”

“If it's hidden that well, then it means someone higher is in charge,” Doyle said. “Could be the Powers or it could be the Elders.”

“Yep,” Lorne nodded. “Either way, she is coming back and fairly soon.”

“That's...” Angel trailed off.

“Creepy,” Cordy offered. “But I'm glad.”

“So am I,” Wes added, hugging his lover close to his chest.

“Thank you,” Spike said, rising off the couch and pulling Xander with him. “Thank you for a lot.”

“No problem,” the Host grinned. “As long as I'm not doing the fighting, it's all good.”

Xander grinned and hugged the green demon before following his Mate out the door, leaving the others to say their own goodbyes.


“So the flowers will be over there and the arch will be there,” Cordy pointed. She was standing the main lobby of the hotel, one hand on her belly as she made the final plans for her wedding. “The caterers will be setting up the reception in one of the upper rooms.”

“It’ll look beautiful,” Wes said, kissing her softly. “Now, go rest for a bit before they start setting up.”

“I love you,” she whispered, kissing him back.

“I love you too.”

“Enough of the sap,” Spike said as he walked by. “Go lay day, princess. You have a lot to do today.”

“I will,” she promised, giving Wes one last kiss before heading to the elevator.

“Is everything ready?” Wes asked, once his bride-to-be was out of earshot.

“Of course,” Spike smirked. “When she comes down, everything will be already set up.”

“Good,” Wes smiled. “Thank you, Spike.”

“Hey, she’s carrying the first baby in the family, she deserves the best for her wedding.”


Xander smiled at Cordelia as she danced the first dance with Wes. The wedding had been beautiful, even out doing all the plans Cordy had made. She had almost cried when she came down to see everything all ready set up for her. Now, she danced happily in the arms of her husband and Xander couldn’t wish anything more for her.

“Do you want this?” Spike asked, coming up behind him.

Xander shook his head. He didn’t want a public wedding. They were married, hell, beyond married. He didn’t need to show the world with a party. Anyone that mattered could see the bond between him and Spike and their family knew, that was all he cared about.

“Okay, but if you ever do,” Spike left it there.

Smiling, Xander turned and pressed as a hard kiss to Spike’s lips, sending waves of love and happiness down their bond.

“Break it up,” Doyle intruded, laughing. “This is Cordy’s big day.”

Spike only flipped him off before turning Xander around so they could watch as she danced with the father of the bride. Angel carefully led her around the dance floor, all the while whispering something to her. With the squeal she gave, it must have been about whatever present the dark vampire had gotten her and it must have been a good one.

Spike stepped away from Xander and held out his hand as more and more couples began to crowd the dance floor. Beaming, Xander took his hand and they moved to join the crowd, dancing to the slow song, content in what life had brought them, despite the pain and loss they had suffered.


tamingthemuse, series: shadows in silence

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