Fic: Behind Closed Curtains

Sep 09, 2009 16:52

Hey, my first CB fic! And it's smut!

Title: Behind Closed Curtains
Author: Xocoatldreams
Fandom: Cinema Bizarre RPS
Characters/Pairings: Kiro/Strify, Shin/Romeo, Yu
Rating: NC-17 all the way
Warnings/Spoilers: None really
Disclaimer: I don’t own the CB boys. Nor do I think this actually happened. This is only a work of fiction and no harm is intended.
A/N: SMUT! I was in the mood for it.

Kiro moaned. Yu didn’t know why, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know at all, but that was definitely the sound his friend made. Another moan followed and then a gasp. Shifting his pillow so it blocked his ears, he tried to ignore the sounds coming from the other bunk. He was waiting for Strify to say something, but the singer was quietly. That made Yu wonder.

“Good,” Kiro gasped out.

Yu sighed and threw his pillow to the bottom of the bunk and pull the curtain o9pen. He glanced at Kiro’s bunk around the aisle way, noticing the slight movement in the curtain. Shin poked his head out of the next bunk down and blushed a deep red when he saw Yu before quickly pulling his head back in. More sounds slid out from behind Kiro’s curtain and Yu felt himself starting to get angry. They had a rule, no masturbation on the bus. Do it all you want int the hotels, but not on the bus.


He slid of the bunk and stalked down to the front of the bus, muttering under his breath the whole way. The dining area was lightly lit and he could see Romeo sitting at the table, writing something on paper in front of him.

“Kiro?” Romeo asked.

“Yes,” Yu snarled, throwing himself in the seat across from Romeo.

“Strify said anything yet?”

“No,” Yu groaned. “I got tired of waiting.”

“Huh,” Romeo blinked. “He normally says something at the first sound.”

“Well, he hasn’t this time,” Yu muttered. “Wish he would.”

“Wish who would what?” Shin asked, coming from the back.

“Wish Strify would say something to Kiro about all the noise,” Yu told the blonde. “It’s driving me nuts.”

“Um, Strify’s not in his bunk,” Shin offered.

Yu exchanged looks with Romeo. “He’s not?”

“Nope,” Shin shook his head. “Though he was up here and that’s why he did say anything.”

“He’s not up here. He’s not in his bunk...” Yu started.

“And Kiro’s making a lot of noise,” Romeo finished.

Shin giggled. “You don’t think?”

“I do,” Yu leered. “Wanna go find out?”


“We should go have a little look, just to make sure,” the guitarist offered, trying to look innocent.

“And if they are?” Romeo asked.

“Didn’t really think that far,” Yu admitted.

“I think they’d look good together,” Shin grinned.

“Kiro would look better against Yu,” Romeo disagreed.

Yu blinked. “What?”

“He would,” Romeo said with a shrug. “His littleness. Your height. The difference in your hair. It would contrast nicely.”

“You’re insane,” Yu told him. Romeo grinned.

“I think so too,” Shin said. “But he’d look so cute with Strify.”

“You’re both nuts. And we aren’t talking about this anymore.”

“Does this mean we aren’t going to find out if they are having sex?” Shin asked.

“No, we’re still going to do that,” Yu said, “come on.”

He led the way to the sleeping area, wincing at the level of the noises coming from Kiro’s bunk. Moving quietly, he pulled an edge of the curtain back and peeked in. Strify was sprawled, as much as he could, across the bunk with Kiro seated on top of him, curled down to keep from hitting his head. Both were naked and there were several red marks on Kiro’s pale skin. Yu slid the curtain back into place and turned to face his friends.

“Well?” Romeo asked quietly.

Yu motioned for them to follow him back to the front.

“Are they?” Shin asked.

He nodded. Shin had been right, they did look good together. And from the way Strify was looking up at Kiro, Yu doubted this was the first time. “They definitely are.”

“Does this change anything?” Romeo asked, looking at the two of them.

“I think we should wait and see how they act in the morning,” Shin said quietly. “See if it affects anything first.”

“So basically act normal,” Yu snorted. “I don’t know if I can do that.”

“You watched me get sucked off by a fan,” Romeo reminded him tartly. “And didn’t act any different. I”m sure you can do it this time too.”

“I’ll do my best,” Yu sighed.

Kiro sipped the coffee in his hands, letting the caffeine wake him the rest of the way. Last night had been interesting. It was the first time Strify had made a move while they were on the bus. Normally the singer waited until the were at the band house, or in a hotel, before pouncing him into the bed. Not that he had a problem with Strify pouncing him. He grinned into his coffee.

“Good night?” Romeo asked, sliding into the seat next to him.

Kiro smiled at him. “Relatively.”

Strify wandered in from the bunk area, a smug little grin on his face. Kiro hid a smile behind his cup and shifted slightly in his seat. Strify had the right to be smug with the way he was still feeling. Romeo looked at the singer and shook his head, making Kiro wonder just what was going through the keyboardist’s mind.

“Sleep well, Strify?” the dark haired man asked.

“Definitely,” the singer crooned, sinking to the seat across from them. “Better than I have in a long time.”

Kiro bit his lip. If Strify didn’t tone it down everyone would know something was up and they had both agreed they’d keep their little trysts a secret. He glared a little and shook his head, hoping Strify would get the hint. The singer only grinned and slouched a bit. Kiro nearly jumped as a foot connected with his leg. Glaring harder he moved a bit. Romeo glanced at him but he ignored the keyboardist and focussed on his cooling coffee.

“Hey,” Yu said, stumbling out from he back. He shoved Strify over so the singer was closer to Kiro and sat down. When he glanced at them a light blush rode high on his cheeks.

“Something wrong?” Kiro asked, putting his cup down and staring at Yu.

“Weird dreams,” Yu mumbled. “Really weird dreams.”

“About what?” Strify questioned, still grinning widely.

Yu blushed a bit darker. “Not saying.” Romeo laughed.

“Sometimes you guys are so strange,” Kiro said, shaking his head.


His mouth was sin. Pure sin. Strify arched up under the caress, whimpering as that wicked tongue traced abstract patterns on his stomach.

“Kiro,” he moaned, fisting his hand in the newly long hair.

“What?” Kiro asked, smirking up at him.

“Don’t tease,” Strify muttered, tugging a little on the blonde locks.

“I’m not, I’m having fun.” He punctated the statements with little bites to Strify’s stomach.


“Fine,” Kiro sighed before darting down and taking the hard length into his mouth.

Strify shoved his hand against his mouth to stifle the scream. He hand’t been quite ready for that. He panted as that mouth became even more sinful, doing naughty and nasty things to his cock. He swore Kiro was trying to suck his brains out. Hands held his hips down and the suction increased and decreased at random intervals. One hand left his hip and slid lower, probing and finding the small hole hidden between his cheeks. He shuddered as it circled the edges of his entrance, sending shocks of pleasure up his spine. Kiro pulled off his cock for a moment, finger leaving his hole, then that hot mouth was back and a now slick finger was pressing against his hole, asking for entrance. Strify did his best to relax and let it in, moaning as it stretched him slightly. He loved this part. The stretch and burn of being filled, his limits tested. The way his body protested before giving in.

Soon one finger became two and he rocked between Kiro’s mouth and his fingers, making soft sounds of pleasure the whole time. Kiro curled his fingers, hitting dead on that wonderful spot and Strify cried out, thrusting down hard. A wicked chuckled drifted up from between his thighs and he groaned. He knew what that sound meant. Kiro was going to make him cum, then fuck him into another orgasm. Two if he could.

“Ready?” Kiro asked, pulling back slightly.

Strify nodded and those fingers began to move, thrusting and twisting, curling to hit his prostate all the while Kiro’s mouth did amazing things on his dick. He moan and thrashed, groaned and writhed as the pleasure built to unbearable levels. Finally, Kiro took pity on him and sent several hard jabs at his prostate while flicking his pointed little tongue into the slit of his cock. With a muffled scream, Strify came, his vision greying out slighty. He came back down to earth to find Kiro had moved up to lay next to him.

“More?” Kiro asked with a small grin.

“Yes,” Strify breathed, pulling the smaller man to him. “Fuck me.”

“Now now, don’t get demanding,” Kiro chided, grabbing the lube. “I might just decided to go sleep in my own bed.”

“You do that and I’m gong to tie you down and fuck you until you can’t sit for a week,” Strify threatened.

“Is that suppose to make me behave?” Kiro asked, eyes wide with lust. “Keep saying threats like that and I’ll never behave.”

“Just shut up and fuck me already,” Strify demanded.

Kiro laughed and moved between Strify’s thighs. He slid two slick fingers back in, followed quickly by a third. When he deemed the singer stretched enough, he coated his cock and moved into position, pressing against that still small hole and sinking in. Beneath him Strify keened, eyes closing, legs coming up to wrap around his waist and arms reaching out to the sides and hands fisting in the sheets. Once in all the way Kiro paused, letting Strify adjust. When the singer began to wiggle under him, he pulled out and sank back in smoothly, slowly. Strify opened his eyes to glare at him, but Kiro only smiled and kept up the slow place.

“Please,” Strify begged, hands coming up to pulled Kiro down into a kiss. “More.”

Kiro shook his head and kept his thrust slow and measured. He liked taking it slow, watching as the singer came totally undone beneath him. It had been a while, so it didn’t take long until Strify lost the ability to speak coherently, only making soft moans and whimpers. At that point Kiro sped up, his thrusts becoming harder until he was nearly pounding into Strify’s body.

Strify moan continuously as Kiro fucked him, arching his body the best he could to take the sweet thrusts harder. A twist at the end of one thrust did him in and he came with a shriek. Above him Kiro kept moving before cumming with a low groan.

Kiro slumped, dropping his face into Strify’s neck. Beneath him, Strify hummed, running hands up and down his sweaty back. Finally, he eased back gently, sliding out of Strify’s body and rolled to the side, cuddling up against the singer’s chest.

“Much better with more room to move,” Strify comment absently, still petting the bassist.

“Definitely,” Kiro murmured drowsily. “But tight spaces can be fun.”

“Oh yeah.”

They cuddled together and let the post climatic bliss drift them off.


Romeo blushed and looked anywhere but at the blonde on the bed across from him. The walls of the hotel were thin, very thin and they’d had a front room seat to the Kiro and Strify sex show. One where Kiro was obviously in charge.

“That was hot,” Shin said finally, breaking the silence.

Romeo blushed brighter. “I guess.”

“Come on, you can’t say you didn’t find that hard-on inducing,” the drummer said with a grin. “I know I did.”

Romeo squeaked. He had found it arousing and was glad he was sitting in a way that Shin couldn’t see the erection tenting his boxers. He knew he should feel wrong for listening to his friends having sex, but he didn’t. The sounds had been to hot and boiled almost all other thoughts away.

Shifting a bit, Romeo wondered if he could make it to the bathroom to take care of his problem.

“Want help?” Shin whispered into his ear.

The keyboardist jumped. He hadn’t noticed when the blonde moved. Opening his mouth, he only managed to squeak again.


He thought about it and settled on nodding. Shin smiled and pushed him so he was leaning against the headboard. Before he could ask what the drummer had planned, his boxers were tugged down just enough for his cock to spring free and a hot mouth engulfed him.

Curling up a little in shock, he slid his hands into Shin’s head, just resting there as the drummer bobbed over his groin. Slim fingers came up and brushed against his balls, stroking and teasing, adding to the pleasure of the drummer’s mouth. It didn’t take long for Romeo to cry out a warning, hands tightening slightly and his orgasm rolled over him.

Romeo pulled Shin up and kissed him, tasting himself on the other man’s lips.

“That was....” he trailed off, lacking the words. “What about you?”

Shin blushed and Romeo wondered how he could blush after having a cock in his mouth. “Um, I came already. Just after you did.”

Romeo shuddered at that image: Shin coming from sucking his cock.

“We should sleep,” the drummer said quietly. “We have that interview in the morning.”

“Yeah,” Romeo agreed.

He pulled his boxers back up and slid down from the headboard. When Shin moved to climb off the bed, he grabbed the drummer’s arm.


“You sure?”



Yu thumped his head against his pillow. The sounds from Kiro’s bunk were back. Moans and groans, little gasps and whimpers. This time they were joined by sounds from Romeo’s bunk. The chorus of sex filled the area him insane. He contemplate interrupting both couples, reminding them that he was still on the bus and didn’t want to hear them. Shaking his head he discarded that plan. That would only make Strify and Kiro mad at him, while Romeo would give him a disappointed look and Shin would pout.

The volume of the sounds rose and he listened as Shin pleaded for more and Strify called Kiro all kinds of names. With a sigh he shifted onto his back and slid a hand into his shorts, curling his fingers around his cock and stroking himself to the sounds drifting into his bunk. If he couldn’t beat them, he’d join them.


nc17/18, new stories, cinema bizarre

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