Fic: Secret Gifts

Jan 12, 2008 18:44

Another one I forgot to post. Written for th_fanfic Secret Santa fic Exchange.

Title: Secret Gifts
Author: Xocoatldreams
Giftee: moblo413
Fandom: Tokio Hotel RPS
Characters/Pairings: Tom/Bill, Georg, Gustav
Rating: PG/R (at most)
Warnings: Some angst, slash (of course), fluff
Summary: Someone's sending Bill presents and Tom doesn't like it.
Disclaimer: I don't own the TH boys, they own themselves (along with the record
company ^-^). I just like playing with them. No harm, no foul, no money made or offense

The first present arrived innocently enough as a box sitting in the middle of Bill's bunk, wrapped
gaily with a big, bright blue bow. Everyone watched as the signer pulled one trailing ribbon,
unravelling the bow and allowing the box to fall open. The contents fell out onto the bed. A
delighted laugh sounded as Bill snatched up the bag of candy. Tom shot Georg as questioning
look but the bassist only shrugged.

"Who sent them?" Gustav finally asked.

"I'm not sure," Bill admitted. "Wait, there's a note here."

"Well, what's it say?" Tom asked after a moment of silence.

"Something sweet for someone sweet. Merry Christmas," Bill read slowly. "What's that

"Someone obviously likes you," smirked Georg.

"But who?" the young man asked, looking around confused.

"Did anyone see who left it?" Tom glanced around.

Gustav shook his head. "One of the guards brought it in. Said it was delivered this morning."

"Oh, okay," shrugged Bill, tearing the bag open.

Tom shook his head and went back to his magazine. Nothing would ever change Bill's innocent
out look on life.

It was several days before the next present appeared. This time in was found on Bill's table in
their dressing room. Once again it was wrapped with a big, bright bow, this time a day-glo
green. The singer almost ran over to the gift, eagerly pulling the bow open. The box fell open,
revealing a stack of DVDs. Bill sorted through the titles, crowing at the movies he had been
longing for. Only one lack a cover and title, the case blank. He put it aside, promising himself
that he would see what it was after the concert.

The concert went well, energy running high and they bounced off the stage after, dripping with
sweat but exhilarated.

"New present?" Georg comment, flopping down in his chair.

"Yep, it showed up earlier," replied Bill, handing the pile of movies over.

"What's this one?" Georg held up the blank case.

"I don't know," Bill shrugged. "I was planning on checking it out later."

"Well, pop it in," Tom said from his own seat.

Georg opened the case and lifted the unmarked DVD out and loaded it into the player. They
watched as the screen flickered and came to life. Mouths dropped open as the movie started.
Two men were kissing on the screen, hands roaming over partially clothed bodies. Moans
echoed, making the watchers shift. The action started to heat up, hands and lips trailing down
chests. The one man started to reach for the other's belt and Georg darted forward and ejected
the disc, his eyes wide and wild.

"Who sent that?" Tom asked with a low growl. He glared at the blank screen. "Was there a card
with that one?"

"I didn't see one," Bill said, checking the box and underneath.

"Here," Georg said after a moment of searching.

Bill gingerly took the card and read the words, a wave of red washing over his face. "
Something to watch and something to do. Merry Christmas."

"What?" Tom surged to his feet, hands clenched at his sides. "Who in the hell sent that?"

The other three looked at each other before staring back at him, confusion on all their faces.

Bill shrugged gracefully. "Does it matter?"

"Yes, it does," Tom ground out. "No one should be sending you stuff like that!"

"Relax," Bill said, moving to stand beside his brother. "It's just a movie and a card. It doesn't
mean anything."

Tom let his twin sooth him on the surface, while he was still seething inside. He followed the
others back to the bus, ignoring Georg teasing Bill and Gustav's quiet, random comments. He
would find and deal with this person. No one sent his brother things like that.

Over a week went by before the next gift arrived. This time it showed up in the middled of the
table one morning. A tag marked it as Bill's in large block writing. This box was larger than the
others, taking up a good portion of the table. Bill opened it warily, keeping an eye on Tom's
reactions. He gave a gasp as he pulled the first present out of the box. The shirt was the right
size, black and ripped in strategic places. Underneath were a pair of pants, black leather. They
were expensive leather by the feel. He lifted the pants out and picked up the card that lay in the

"To make someone hot a little hotter. Merry Christmas," he read softly.

The growl Tom gave rocked through all of them. Bill turned to see Tom gripping the table, his
knuckles white from the stress, grinding his teeth together.

"Tom?" he reached out to touch the vibrating guitarist.

"I'm really getting tired of this," Tom snarled.

"You don't want me getting gifts?' Bill asked, feeling a little hurt by his brother's attitude.

"No! No," Tom shook his head. "Gifts are okay, but these aren't normal presents. It just worry
about what this person might want from you."

"Doesn't matter," Bill protested. "They won't get it."

"Bill," sighed Tom.

"Relax," Georg said from the sidelines. He looked over at Bill. "Why don't you go try them on?"

Grinning, Bill bounced out of the room. He reappeared and the rest of his band mates stared in
shook. The shirt's rips showed off a fair amount of creamy skin and stopped about his navel,
displaying the infamous star tattoo. The pants were on the far side of tight, highlighting wiry
muscles and riding low on lean hips.

"Wow," Tom whispered, staring at the form of his twin.

"I think I like these," Bill said, running a hand down one hip.

"Looks good," Gustav told him. "Now go change, we have sound check in little over an hour."

Bill rolled his eyes but did as he was told. Georg nudged Tom who stumbled mindlessly to his
feet and went to get ready. Gustav exchanged a look with the bassist and they both shook their
heads and headed off to get ready as well.

The fourth gift was delivered by a flight attendant on their flight home. A look of anticipation
fell over Bill's face as he opened the box. Despite Tom's feelings over the gifts, the singer look
forward to each of them. There had been a chance they wouldn't be able to make it home for the
holidays and Bill had been deeply saddened by the fact. But as each gift arrived, it brought a
measure of happiness with it.

"So what did you get this time?" Georg asked softly so he wouldn't wake Tom up.

The dark haired youth jumped and blushed when he realized he had been sitting, staring into the
box lost in thought. He lifted the jar out of the box and read the label silently, the blush on his
face intensifying. With a squeak he dropped the jar back into the box and closed the lid, hiding
the gift from Georg's gaze. Gustav reached across Tom's slumbering form and snatched the box
out of Bill's hands. He blushed as well when he saw the contents and he handed it over to the
bassist without a word. Georg quirked an eyebrow when he looked in the box and gave Bill an
assessing look.

"Something you forgot to tell us?" he taunted.

"No!" Bill protested, his blush spreading down his neck.

Beside him Tom lifted his head and looked around blurrily. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Bill go another gift," Gustav told him quietly.

"What?" Tom's voice had gone soft. "Let me see."

Bill buried his face in his hands as Georg handed the gift over. A low litany of cursing sounded
from Tom as he caught sight of the jar.

"Edible body paint," he growled. "Who the hell is sending these?"

"Is there a card with this one?" asked Georg.

Tom pulled the card out. "Something to make someone sweet taste sweeter." He
squeezed his eyes shut. "I'm going to hurt someone."

"Calm down," Bill said softly. "Let it be. Until something happens there's nothing we can do

The guitarist stared intently at his brother for a few minutes before nodding and handing the box
over. Letting his brother think he won, Tom mentally plotted al the tortures he would visit upon
the pervert preying upon his brother.

"Do you think he'll get another gift?" Gustav asked quietly as Bill and Georg argued about

"I don't know," Tom sighed. "I think he might though."

"Why's that?"

"Because the presents keep getting more personal as they go on," Tom explained. "And I don't
think the body paint is the most personal one that could be given."

"Hmm, you might be right," nodded the drummer. They relaxed back into their seats and turned
their attention to the two arguing next to them for the rest of the flight.

Another week passed and no new present appeared. Bill started pouting, upset by the lack of
presents, while Tom became suspicious and paranoid about the next gift and when it would
arrive. Georg and Gustav spent their time laughing at the twin's antics. Everything came to a
head one night when Tom went looking for his twin.

"Georg, have you seen Bill recently?" The bassist glanced up from his game and shook his head.
"Thanks," Tom sighed.

"Hey, Gustav," he called, heading into the kitchen. "Have you seen Bill around?"

"No," Gustav said, looking up from the food he was making. "Have you checked his room?"

"Yeah, but he's not there."

"Did you check your room?"

"No, I'll do that now. Thanks."

Tom headed over to his room, pushing the door open. He stopped just over the threshold, staring
at the sight presented to him. Bill was spread across the bed, his arms tied above his head to the
headboard with his legs left loose. The new leather pants were covering Bill's lower half and the
new shirt lay on the bed beside him. A small paint brush and the jar of body paint were on the
night stand and Merry Christmas Tom was written across the thin chest.

"Bill?" he whispered, walking toward the bed. ""

"Georg and Gustav," Bill spat, anger snapping his eyes. "Those idiots convinced me we should
go out, then lured me in here and left me like this."

"Georg and Gustav?" Tom asked, looking confused.

"Yes, them," Bill replied patiently. "They told me I was your present."

Realization dawned in Tom's eyes. "They were the ones sending the gifts," he exclaimed.

"Yes, Tom, they did," Bill sighed. "Now can you get me out of this?"

Tom stared down at him then turned abruptly and strode back to the door. He shut and locked it,
before walking back over to Bill. He stopped beside the bed and looked down at the bound Bill.
He sat down on the bed and leaned over his brother.

"Tell me no," he said softly. "Tell me no and I'll stop."

Bill blinked up at him, then smiled. "When have I ever told you no, Tomi?" He leaned up and
pressed a kiss to Tom's lips.

A bright smile lit the older twin's face and he kissed Bill back. Pulling back, a devious grin
appeared and he darted down to lick the edible words decorating Bill's torso.

A low moan filtered out into the living room. Georg glanced over at Gustav, both grinning
widely. It had taken time, and money, but their plan had finally paid off. It was going to be a
great Christmas.

tokio hotel

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