Fic: Taste of Freedom

Jan 12, 2008 18:40

Meant to post this already, but I've been a bit ditzy and brain dead lately. Written for the th_fanfic New Year's Blowout.

Title: Taste of Freedom
Author: Xocoatldreams
Pairing(s): Tom/Bill, Gustav/Georg, hinted Andreas/Bill
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys or anything to do with them. I also really doubt this
Warnings: AU-ish, mentions of non-con and abuse, dark
Summary: Read Prompt
FQF Prompt: 36. After drinking some suspicious tasting punch, one of the boys has a
really jacked up dream in which he is a sadistic Santa Claus--and the other boys are his troubled
elves trying to escape. (submitted by nightshade24)
Author's notes: I didn't quite stick to the prompt. There was no drink to fuel the dream.
I was originally going to write something light and fluffy. This is what decided to be written

Bill cowered behind a large box in one of the toy workshops. Santa was upset again and anyone
he could get his hands on would be punished, whether they were at fault or not. The young elf
had learned to hid quickly and well a long time ago, but this time his hiding spots were limited.
Pleading silently, he squeezed his eyes shut and hoped that he wasn't found.

"There you are, Billa," the familiar voice startled him and his eyes flew open, meeting identical
brown ones. Above him stood the latest incarnation of Santa Claus, dressed in red baggy jeans
and an over-sized white t-shirt. The official costume was missing, leaving Santa as the young
man he was instead of the jolly old man persona the world at large knew.

"Tom," Bill squeaked, scooting back away from the looming figure.

"Don't call me that!" The riding crop Tom, or Santa, always carried rose and fell quickly, hitting
something just beside Bill, making the young elf flinch. "That's not my name anymore."

"Sorry Santa," stuttered Bill, staring up at the frightening form.

"Pretty little Bill," Santa crooned, kneeling down beside the trembling elf. "Did you have
anything to do with this afternoon's series of events?"

"No," he said, shaking his head. "It wasn't me!"

A pale, long fingered hand reached out to run through Bill's long, dark hair, suddenly tightening
around a handful and jerking the elf's head back. "Do you know who is responsible for it?"

Blinking back tears of pain, Bill shook his head as much as possible. It was the truth. He didn't
know who had orchestrated the accidents that caused the current Santa to fall into
a vat of bright pink paint, but he had a good idea. Still, he wasn't going to condemn a fellow elf
into Santa's hands, there was no telling what would happen.

"No one seems to know," said Santa thoughtfully, his hand going back to stroking through Bill's
hair, a motion that was familiar to both of them. "Pity though, someone needs to be punished
and since you're already here, I guess that someone is you."

Santa stood and hauled the thin elf up, dragging Bill out of the room and toward the toy
shed. Two elves stepped out of hiding and watched with haunted eyes as their friend was
taken away for punishment of a crime he didn't commit.

"We should have confessed," the lighter haired one said as he stared in the direction the two had

"No we shouldn't have," his companion argued.

"Georg!" the first scolded. "You know what he's going to do to Bill."

"Yes I do," Georg nodded. "And I'm sorry it's Bill who's being punished. But, Gustav,
he's distracted and that means we can finalize our plans."

"But what about Bill?" Gustav asked, gesturing at the toy shed.

"For now he's just going to have to bear it," said Georg pragmatically. "We'll tell him the details
once Santa lets him go."

Sighing in reluctant agreement, Gustav let his friend lead him off to finish their escape plans.
One way or another, they would get away.

Bill lay down on his bed with a hiss of pain. His back was a mess of lightly bleeding welts and
he resolutely ignored the searing pain lower in his body. He glanced over a the empty beds of his
roommates and sighed in relief that they weren't there. Everyone knew the types of punishments
that Santa preferred to dole out, and nearly everyone had been subjected to them, but still Bill
didn't like anyone seeing him in the aftermath. He preferred to deal with his own injuries in
private. And while that had not always been the case, it certainly was now.

Wincing, he pushed himself up off the bed and made his way slowly to the bathroom. For a
moment he stood there debating between a bath or a shower, quickly deciding on the upright
method of bathing when an arrow of pain lanced through his body. Sitting would not be an easy
task for a few days.

He ran the water as hot as he could st and it and striped quickly, moving to stand beneath the
pelting stream. He scrubbed all the areas Santa had touched him, leaving patches of his flesh red
and raw. Biting back a yelp, he turned so the water hi his back, washing away and debris that
might have gotten into the wounds. Once he was feeling semi-clean, he stepped out of the
shower and gingerly dried off. Pausing for a moment he realized he could hear his roommates in
the other room and he had forgotten to bring a change of clothing in with him. Shoulder slumped
in resignation, Bill walked into the other room, doing his best to keep his back turned away from
the other two.

"Shit, Bill," Gustav exclaimed, rushing to the younger elf's side. "How long?"

"Two hours for the first part," Bill told him, carefully pulling on some soft clothing. "An hour
for the second."

Gustav shot Georg a glare and helped their young friend into bed. He rushed over to the
bathroom and returned with some pain reliever, forcing Bill to drink it.

"We've got news," Georg said, trying to break the thick silence that had fallen over the room.

"What? You've planned another prank that I'll have to take the blame for?" asked Bill snidely,
not even attempting to hide his anger.

"I'm sorry he got you," Georg apologized. "But I do have some good news."

"Fine, what is it?" said Bill tiredly.

"The plans are complete," grinned Georg.

"Complete complete?" Bill asked, turning slightly to stare at the older elf.

"Yep, with back up plans in place," the brown haired elf said proudly.

"When?' Hope was evident in Bill's voice.

Gustav sat beside Georg and sighed. "Unfortunately we haven't decided on the date yet, but
we're ready."

"Does that mean no more pranks?" asked the long haired young elf plaintively.

"No more pranks, Bill," Georg said. "I promise."

Gustav nodded. "And I'll hold him to that."

Smiling, Bill sank back down on the bed and let himself drift off to sleep with thoughts of
freedom dancing through his head.

Morning dawn as it usually did, with their supervisor hitting and shouting until they got up.
Georg glared until the old elf left before helping the injured Bill to his feet. Wincing with every
step, Bill allowed his friends to help him dress for the day. Managing to keep his pain from
showing, the young elf quickly ate breakfast and heading off to his assigned workshop. Toy
production didn't stop because Santa Claus was a sadistic bastard, in fact it kept on totally for that

"Are you okay?" an older elf named Saki asked when Bill walked slowly into the workshop.

Drudging up a reassuring smile, Bill lied. "I'll be fine in a bit, Saki."

"Don't lie to me," Saki groused, crossing his arms over his chest. "I know Santa had you last
night. Now, are you okay?"

Bill sighed. "Truly, I'll be fine. I'll heal, just like always."

Giving the youngster one last look, Saki nodded and pointed to a workstation. With a sickly
grin, Bill went over and started to work, immersing himself in the tiny details. His job was to
paint more the exact pictures on the toys they made, and despite their insane and cruel master, he
enjoyed his job. There was a simple pleasure in knowing that his toy would bring joy to a child

A touch to his shoulder jerked him out of his trance. He glanced up at the blonde elf standing
beside his station. The other elf smiled and ran a hand through Bill's blonde-streaked black hair.
Bill flinched from the touch and pushed the hand away, glancing around to see if anyone was

"You know better, Andreas," Bill said quietly. "I really don't want to spend more time in h is

"Sorry," Andreas pulled his hand back. "I guess I forgot for a moment."

"Yeah, well I can't," muttered Bill, turning his attention back to the toy.

Andreas reached over and plucked the half painted toy from Bill's hands and then carefully pulled
the thin elf to his feet. "I'm here because it's supper time and you've been working all day."

The dark haired elf blinked and glanced around the room, noticing that the other elves had
already cleaned up and left. Still slightly dazed b the rapid passage of time, he allowed his friend
to pull him out of the workshop and towards the communal dinning room. Bill watched as the
other elf brought him a plate piled high with food, quirking an eyebrow when it was placed
before him.

"You need to eat," Andreas shrugged.

Grumbling Bill stared to eat, demolishing most of the plate before he realized it. Sitting back, he
pushed away the few scraps that were left and turned intent brown eyes on his childhood friend.

"Truth Andreas," he said quietly. "What's going on?"

The blonde elf sighed and finished off the last few bites of his own food. "I'm helping Gustav
and Georg."

"Helping them with what?" Bill asked, going for the wide eyed innocent look.

"Don't play stupid," Andreas snapped. "I know what they're up to and I'm helping."

Bill looked away for a moment before looking back. "Are you coming too?"

"No," the other elf shook his head.

"Why not?" Bill sat forward, staring hard at his friend.

"I'm staying to throw off the trail," the blonde told him. "He'll expect me to go with you. It'll
confuse him if I'm still here."

"Andi," whispered Bill, reaching out a hand to touch his friend's wrist.

"It's okay," he smiled. "That part was my idea." Andreas looked away. "You'll always be his
target if you're here, no matter who's really at fault. This way you'll be safe."

Bill blinked back tears and nodded. Andreas helped him stand, pulling him in for a brief hug.
The two walked in silence to the room the younger elf shared with Gustav and Georg.

"Hey," Georg greeted as they walked into the room. He looked between them, noticing the
anguished look on Bill's face. "I guess he told you."

"I don't like this," Bill whispered. "It's not right."

"No, it's not," Gustav agreed softly. "But it'll make him less suspicious at first."

The youngest elf stared across the room at a blank wall, ignoring all of them for a while as he
worked through a myriad of thoughts. He really didn't like the idea, and the thoughts of putting
his friend in such a dangerous position didn't sit well with him. But he was aware that it was the
best possible solution. A quick glance showed the others staring at him with various degrees of

"When?" he asked quietly.

"New Year's Eve," Georg told him. "Santa will be very drunk. We'll be able to slip away during
the party."

Thinking about it for a moment, Bill nodded. "That's only a week away. Do you have everything
in place? Transportation? Food? Money? A place for us to go?"

Gustav nodded to each question, smiling at Bill. "I mad a list," he grinned. "We planned
everything out."

"So, New Year's then," whispered Bill. "And it'll finally be over."

"Yes," Andreas said, sitting beside the young elf and wrapping his arms around him. "And you'll
be safe."

"Safe," Bill murmured, snuggling into his friend's arms. "Safe."

Christmas, the insanity, tension and ensuing Santa-anger passed quickly. The elves relaxed as
the hard part of their work was over. Of course they would start making toys for the next year,
but it wouldn't be with the rush that came the few weeks before the big event. Sighing in relief,
the elves let themselves enjoy the slow time.

Bill found himself spending more time with Andreas, trying to cram as much quality time and
memories into the short amount of time they had. He hated leaving his friend behind, butt hey
had all convinced h im it was the right thing to do. So he kept his mouth shut.

"Party's tonight," Georg said needlessly. Gustav hummed and nodded. "Are we ready?"

"And set," confirmed Gustav.

"Do you remember your task, Bill?"

"Keep a full drink in Santa's hand all night," Bill recited.

"Good, lets get ready for the party," the older elf said. "Even if we aren't staying, we have to
make it look good."

They dressed in their finery and head down, joining in the revelry. There was some tension
among the elves, but the steady flow of alcohol slowly loosened everyone. Seated above them,
Santa sat, a drink in one hand and a young female elf in the other. Bill grabbed a glass and made
his way up, handing over the full drink with a small smile. Leering, Santa took the drink from
him. After a shot bow, Bill went and found a corner where he could watch the man drink,
moving to get him a new drink when it look as if his was getting empty.

The party was going in full swing when Gustav came to get him. He followed the older elf to
where Georg was waiting for them. Walking quietly, the made their way out of the North Pole
Complex and to the waiting sleigh. The trip away was made in quiet as they all contemplated the
enormity of their actions.

They reached their destination and thanked the helpful reindeer that had brought them there.
Georg led them into the small village, finding his contact. Bill stayed close to the older elves, not
used to being around so many people.

"We're here,' Georg said, opening the door to an apartment he had rented. "We'll stay here a few
days until the supply plane comes. It'll take us some place safe."

"No it won't," a familiar, and dreaded, voice said, making them all pale.

"Santa," Bill breathed, staring at the man sitting in the small living room. "How?"

"Did you forget who I am? What I am?" Santa asked derisively. "He knows when you are
sleeping. He knows when you're away. He knows if you've been good or bad. And you, my
dear friends, have been very bad."

They swallowed and moved closer together. "What are you planning on doing to us?" Gustav
asked fearfully.

"Punish you of course," Santa smirked, pushing up from the chair.

"Punish?" Bill whimpered, remembering his last round.

"Oh yes," Santa grinned. "Especially you, my dear brother. And it's going to last a long, painful

"Andreas?"gasped Bill, realizing his friend must have been caught.

"He's been dealt with," shrugged his brother.

Tears welled up and rolled down Bill's cheeks as Santa advanced on him. They had tried and
freedom had been so close.

Tom sat up with a gasp, his heart pounding hard enough to burst through his chest. He blinked
away the images of the punishment he was in the process of delivering. He could still
hear Bill's screams and his own moans of delight and he could feel the pleasure he received form
hurting them. A little, or really a lot, disturbed, he glanced down at the body laying against him
on the bed. Still asleep, Billed made a soft sound and cuddled closer.

"Bill?" Tom whispered, shaking Bill's shoulder.

"Hm, Tom?" Bill blinked bleary eyes at his twin. "What's wrong?"

"Nightmare," Tom said, moving to lay his head on Bill's chest.

"What about?" Bill asked, wrapping his arms around Tom.

"I was an evil Santa Claus," Tom said quietly. "You, Georg and Gustav tried to run away but I
stopped you. And then I hurt you."

"You'd never hurt me," protested Bill.

"But I did," whispered Tom. "And I liked it."

Bill hugged him tight, using his touch to comfort his distraught twin. "It was just a dream," he
said softly. "You'd never hurt us. Go back to sleep. It'll seem silly in the morning."

"Okay," Tom said quietly, snuggling deeper into Bill. "Love you."

"I love you too," Bill smiled, drifting back off.

Tom lay awake for a few minutes more. He didn't think he'd ever hurt the other, but the dream
had been so real. A sleepy rebuke from Bill made him put the thoughts away, but he knew he'd
never forget them. He had seen what he was capable of, and he'd never let himself get like that.
He promised.

tokio hotel

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